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 Author  Thread: Issue with Selects and 6.2.1 Provider?
Antony Currington
Posts: 15
Issue with Selects and 6.2.1 Provider?Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 09 Jul 06 4:53 PM
Hi all,

Last week I went to a client to deliver a solution. They're on SLX 6.2.1. I had written a DTS package using a few VB Script tasks to import some data. It worked perfectly here on my 6.2.3 system. (yes, I know, different SP's)

Now, here's a code snippet so that you can see what I am doing... (you'll get the drift - it's not perfect)

set cnSLX = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

cnSLX.ConnectionString = strSLXConnect ' a valid connection string found from a UDL file - stored in a global variable for the DTS

[snip - get some values from another recordset]

idAccount = GetSLXID(cnSLX, "ACCOUNT")

strInsert = "INSERT INTO ACCOUNT " & _
"Values " & _
"('" & idAccount & "', '" & Replace(strOrgName, "'", "''") & "', 'Organisation', '" & idAAddress & "', '" & idAAddress & "', '" & strPhone & "', '" & strEmail & "', 'SYST00000001', '" & UCase(Replace(strOrgName, "'", "''")) & "', " & _
"'ADMIN', '" & strID & "', 'EnergyAuditAccessDB', GETDATE(), 'ADMIN', GETDATE(), 'ADMIN') "
cnSLX.Execute strInsert

[snip - a bunch of other inserts]

set rs = cnSLX.Execute("SELECT * FROM ACCOUNT WHERE ACCOUNTID = '" & idAccount & "'")
msgbox rs.Fields("ACCOUNT")
set rs = nothing

So, here's what I'm seeing...

My connection opens OK. I can check the state of it and it says it's open.

The ID Creation works fine - it uses the standard SLX Stored procedure. I get a value back.

My insert statement works fine. The record I create I can see in the database using Query Analyser and it's visible in the SLX client...

The final Select statement returns me an empty recordset, yet I know the record has been inserted as I can see it in the DB.

Also, changing the select statement to run using rs.Open SQLStatement, cnSLX also doesn't make any difference... still comes back empty

Any ideas? This is a bit of a show stopper as we have a lot of selects going on with some custom stuff we've built, and I'm not confident that I can get it to work using the SLX OLEB Provider.

Anyone know of an issue with the 6.2.1 provider????

Antony Currington

Frank Chaffin
Posts: 475
Re: Issue with Selects and 6.2.1 Provider?Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 09 Jul 06 8:35 PM
Can't say I have seen this situation but there were a number of issues with the 6.2.1 Provider.

Are you building a logical transactions or just executing individual SQL statements?

Have you reviewed the know issues and HotFixes on the SalesLogix support site?

What 6.2.1 HotFixes does your client have installed?

Peter H
Posts: 17
Re: Issue with Selects and 6.2.1 Provider?Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 10 Jul 06 1:12 AM
Suggest that you insert a
just before the offending select to check that the connection is still functioning as expected.

Also, check your error checking method - there may be some message that you are failing to see (on error resume next, or some such).
Perhaps try placing an
On Error goto 0
just before the select.

Carla Tillman
Posts: 290
Re: Issue with Selects and 6.2.1 Provider?Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 17 Jul 06 8:07 AM
Just a thought...

Are you also inserting the needed record for the AccountSummary Table?

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