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Is it possible to disable the SlxSearchTrigger or something equivalent or maybe something else is going on?
Posted: 04 Aug 10 10:56 AM
We have a set of scheduled tasks that run background operations and every so often they become completely unresponsive and have to be killed and restarted.... Through stack dumps and such I've figured out the problem comes from the SlxSearchTrigger displaying a message box from a critical section of code meaning everything just halts....
This occurs pretty randomly There's not a specific query we're executing that causes this to happen every time it freezes like this it's from a different query
Any ideas?
Thread 11 - System ID 1968 Entry point mscorwks!Thread::intermediateThreadProc Create time 8/1/2010 9:16:02 PM Time spent in user mode 0 Days 00:10:39.375 Time spent in kernel mode 0 Days 00:09:21.328
This thread is displaying a message box. The call to display the message box originated from user32!NtUserWaitMessage+c.
The text of the message being displayed is:
Function Source ntdll!KiFastSystemCallRet user32!NtUserWaitMessage+c user32!InternalDialogBox+d0 user32!SoftModalMessageBox+94b user32!MessageBoxWorker+2ba user32!MessageBoxTimeoutW+7a user32!MessageBoxTimeoutA+9c user32!MessageBoxExA+1b user32!MessageBoxA+45 SlxSearchTrigger+497d ntdll!ExecuteHandler2+26 ntdll!ExecuteHandler+24 ntdll!KiUserExceptionDispatcher+e SlxSearchTrigger+212a SlxSearchTrigger+2ad3 SlxSearchTrigger+4b29 SlxSearchTrigger+5697 SlxSearchTrigger+5621 SlxSearchTrigger+56fc SlxSearchTrigger+e82e SlxSearchTrigger+46a3 SlxSearchTrigger+46bb SlxSearchTrigger+46bb SlxSearchTrigger+46bb SlxSearchTrigger+49ea ntdll!LdrpCallInitRoutine+14 ntdll!LdrUnloadDll+41a kernel32!FreeLibrary+41 SLXDBEngine!boost::shared_in_base::_shared_release+119f SLXDBEngine!boost::shared_in_base::_shared_release+a6e
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