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 External Development Forums - SalesLogix COM
Forum to discuss using the SalesLogix COM interfaces from external applications, such as SlxApplication, ClientObjix, etc. View the code of conduct for posting guidelines.
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Saleslogix 8.2 Prompting for report parameters on generationDarshana Wanigasekara2254614 Jun 16 8:08 PM
Darshana Wanigasekara 
Posting images to external websiteSteve Foutty0222001 Apr 14 3:20 PM
Steve Foutty 
32-bit app cannot create SalesLogix.ClientObjix on 64 bit OSDjie Tjoa9259602 Apr 13 4:28 PM
Djie Tjoa 
Outlook mail import to SLX amy0263905 Jun 12 1:03 AM
How to use VB.NET call Slmn.dll amy0249231 May 12 9:06 PM
Create a remote user databaseBOSSE8373113 Mar 11 9:12 PM
RJ Samp 
Saving Emails & Attachments in SLX via External .NET AppBrad Sweet0266709 Jun 10 10:11 AM
Brad Sweet 
Saving meetings in Saleslogix through CitrixAlex Moshkovich1271420 Mar 10 4:22 AM
Mike Spragg 
SalesLogix.SLXApplication from VB.Net and Windows 2008/VistaJeremy Couzens1302122 Sep 09 6:03 PM
Jeremy Couzens 
"Unknown Exception" creating COM objectAndré Gomes0334227 May 09 12:34 PM
André Gomes 
Exception EOleException: Invalid table nameMel Nepomuceno1332222 Jan 09 3:05 AM
Mike Spragg 
Is BasicFunctions.WebEncrypt() time dependent?Chris Graham8296716 Oct 08 4:13 PM
Chris Graham 
SLXApplicationBen2322418 Sep 08 3:45 AM
Mike Spragg 
Can this be done with SLX ?Rich2288227 Aug 08 5:15 PM
Invoking the SLXApplicationClass from VB.NETChris Fleetwood0284420 Aug 08 11:41 AM
Chris Fleetwood 
Accessing SalesLogix COM via PHPPaul Engelbrecht5317210 Sep 07 11:34 AM
Ryan Farley 
Creating SLX objectVladimir4302330 Mar 07 12:00 PM
How to obtain SQL code for Group ?Matias Lauda0288329 Jan 07 1:14 PM
Matias Lauda 
BasicFunctions.AddContactAndAccount() method is giving Exceptionveeranjan6281206 Jan 07 11:48 AM
Bob (RJ)Ledger 
wrong port numberveeranjan1275405 Dec 06 9:36 AM
Ryan Farley 
Exception EAccessviolation:veeranjan0450205 Dec 06 1:26 AM
command line command for saleslogixclientveeranjan2278904 Dec 06 11:39 PM
Non-interactive use of COM?Mark Hanford6273825 Oct 06 5:48 AM
Mark Hanford 
Application Object model in 7.0RF1288918 Sep 06 10:29 AM
Ryan Farley 
Big Urgent problem creating a lookup, or a temp GroupTomás Ruiz3349223 Aug 06 12:23 PM
Tomás Ruiz 
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