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 Author  Thread: Non-interactive use of COM?
Mark Hanford
Posts: 131
Non-interactive use of COM?Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 23 Oct 06 8:09 AM
Is it possible to use the COM interface without having SalesLogix actually visibly running?

I need to have access to the ACO groups from an external app, but as this runs automatically at night, I can't rely on someone being there to type in the password :o

Actually, would automatic sign-on work?
Ryan Farley
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Re: Non-interactive use of COM?Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 23 Oct 06 1:37 PM
Nope. To use COM with SLX you have to have the client running.

For the scenario you describe, I would maybe try the route of using SQL views for gathering the data rather than SLX groups.

If you wanted to get really crazy (BTW, I may be offering this route but I can certainly not recommending it), you could kick off SLX and pass command-line parameters for automatically logging in, then use COM to do whatever, and then close SLX. That would be quite a thing

But, as I said before, I would likely go the route of creating a SQL view (maybe if needed allow an admin, in the client, select a SLX group for you to create the view from) and then use that when the automated stuff runs at night.
Jeremy Brayton
Posts: 491
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Re: Non-interactive use of COM?Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 23 Oct 06 3:59 PM
The problem with the interactive login with COM is I believe the login isn't exposed as a COM event, most likely for security reasons.

Ryan's recommendation of firing SLX through the command-line, using the example to wait for LoginComplete, then doing your thing, then closing SLX is as good as you'll get if you're locked into using COM.

I second Ryan's suggestion. Though I believe if you went the COM-only route you could create a wrapper project that exposed login properties, passed those through the command-line, and managed the SLX instance. That way you could decouple the interactivity portion from your custom code and reuse it a little easier. Of course I'd only suggest the route if you were forced to live in COM-land, as it's probably easier to figure out how to decode the BLOB than to bring that beast to life.
Duncan Cook
Posts: 164
Re: Non-interactive use of COM?Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 24 Oct 06 2:42 AM
Hey Ryan,

I'm unsure how you could use a SQL view to display ACO Groups. Are you able to elaborate as I can't see how this can be done with the Group data being held in a blob field?

Mark Hanford
Posts: 131
Re: Non-interactive use of COM?Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 24 Oct 06 8:44 AM
Sounds like I may have to just bite the bullet and say they won't be able to modify the selection-criteria in SLX. I don't think the criteria need to change on a frequent basis, so I'll just create a view.

It's a shame, as that was going to be a nice little touch.
Ryan Farley
Posts: 2265
slxdeveloper.com Site Administrator
Top 10 forum poster: 2265 posts
Re: Non-interactive use of COM?Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 24 Oct 06 10:19 AM
What I was thinking was to have some configuration screen in the client (ie: access to application object). An administrator (or whoever makes sense) can select the group they want to use. Then when the group is selected, you could use Application.BasicFunctions.GetGroupSQL to get the SQL for the group and either create the view right then or just cache out the SQL somewhere. The automated process that runs at night would then pick up the SQL (or use the view) and do it's stuff.

This way, the user can still select a group for processing, but you just save the SQL for the group out somewhere to be picked up later (with a message to the user that if they change the group criteria they need to come back to reselect the group again so you can grab the new SQL)
Mark Hanford
Posts: 131
Re: Non-interactive use of COM?Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 25 Oct 06 5:48 AM
Aha! Of course. I forgot all about the GetGroupSQL function

That's quite a nice way of doing it.

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