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 Author  Thread: Attachments Tab for Campaigns
John Gundrum
Posts: 632
Top 10 forum poster: 632 posts
Attachments Tab for CampaignsYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 25 Oct 07 2:29 PM
I think this is a good reason to have an Attachments tab for Campaigns. Whenever we have events here there are normally sign-in sheets, surveys, etc. The surveys are scanned and added to each contact. But the sign-in sheets are just physically filed away in a folder by the marketing managers. So its not very accessible.

What we'd like to do is add an Attachments tab to the Campaigns detail screen. This would make this information along with other items like copies of the campaign collateral, invitations, etc available to anyone who has access.

Has anyone done something like this for Campaigns? I'm wondering if copying an existing Attachments tab and then customizing it for Campaigns would be easiest or might it be easier to start from scratch?

John G.
Todd Hardin
Posts: 43
Re: Attachments Tab for CampaignsYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 26 Oct 07 12:51 AM
I have created Attachments tab for a custom entity in the past (v6.1/v6.2).

It has been awhile, so this is from sketchy memory.

While you could copy some of the controls for the Attachments tab, I think when it comes to the code you will be out of luck. SLX is using a few handy functions that are hard coded to work for TACO entities only.

For example, I'm not sure you can use the function that presents a dialog for selecting the source file - you might have to reproduce the form yourself.

You will need to copy the file from the source location to the SLX \Attachments share, renaming the file with a ! and AttachemntID prefix.
You then write a new Attachments record to the DB and then you call the "LogSendAttachments" function so that Sync Server knows about the new attachment file and will sync it out/in (host/remote) as appropriate. As of SLX v7.0 there is another table related to attachments that you may need to populate as well - it is the table for tracking what remotes have the attachment. It may be that the SyncServer will handle that table - sugest you run an experiment using an Attachment on a Contact or Opportunity and then examine the tables *before* sync server cycles.

I agree with you, Campaigns seem like a good place to have Attachments. pretty much any MV entity is a good candidate for Attachments and for Notes, if not full Activity & Notes/History.

Todd Hardin
Bob (RJ)Ledger
Posts: 1103
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Re: Attachments Tab for CampaignsYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 26 Oct 07 8:12 AM
Originally posted by Todd Hardin

... As of SLX v7.0 there is another table related to attachments that you may need to populate as well - it is the table for tracking what remotes have the attachment. It may be that the SyncServer will handle that table - ...
Todd Hardin

Auto handled... there are NO records in it until a remote actually requests an attachment. It tracks the status of the attachments on EACH remote by sitecode.

NOTE: There is a KI w/this.. (fixed in v7.2SP1) with the main db displaying a record in it's attachment datagrids (all 8/9? of them) for teh main and EVERY remote. So if you have 200 remotes w/the same attachment on them you will see 1 record on each remote but 201 records on teh main (every LAN client will see this). They are not duplicate attachments but just displaying duplicates because of teh join to teh table that tracks the remote attachments!

Oh yes.. the fix was done in code... modifys the gridSQL on the fly.
John Gundrum
Posts: 632
Top 10 forum poster: 632 posts
Re: Attachments Tab for CampaignsYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 26 Oct 07 12:22 PM

Thanks a lot for the information. Its a very good start. I do also agree that any MV would benefit having this, Notes/History and Activity. I thought I'd start with the easy stuff :-p

Thanks again!
John G.
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