Question: Choosing an application with OpenAttachmentWith (v7.2 SP1)
Posted: 01 May 08 3:22 PM
Greetings! This is related to (but separate from) my InsertFileAttachmentEx question.
Immediately after inserting a newly generated PDF document as an attachment (sometimes) I open the attachment for the user so they can print it or review it, like this:
Using slx_App As New SalesLogix.SlxApplication slx_App.BasicFunctions.OpenAttachmentWith(strAttachmentID) End Using
When using this method, I immediately get a popup asking what application I want to open the file with (and Adobe PDF is automatically selected).
My question: How do I make it automatically use the installed Adobe PDF application instead of having it offer the user other options? Further, can I specify that it open with Adobe Reader (even if I have to manually install a version) instead of an application that might let them edit the PDF? |