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 Author  Thread: Missing SLX Button in Outlook
Altaaf Sheikh
Posts: 20
Missing SLX Button in OutlookYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 03 Dec 09 5:38 AM
Hello All,

I seem to be having a problem with SalesLogix when comparing my program to another SalesLogix colleague

I am currently running SalesLogix Client (Network) version 7.2 with the Outlook Integration Add-In and am using Outlook 2003.

On comparison with my colleagues SalesLogix program. I seem to have an important feature missing which is the:
"Go To SLX" button on my Outlook.

The function of this button is very useful as it allows my colleague to lookup a contacts record in SalesLogix via the Name or Email address straight from Outlook with a single click of this button when the email address or Name is filled in the "From" field. I have done some countless research on this matter but no one has apparently come across the issue for the "Go To SLX" button, the majority of the research including the "Send SLX" button which i do have on my program.

My colleague had previos versions of SalesLogix installed and was slowly upgraded as the new versions came out, So i tried this for a possible solution by uninstalling all my SalesLogix and starting with early versions & slowly upgrading it also as the theory behind this was that it was a feature MAYBE only available on previous versions. But it didn't do any good.

I have also tried 2 DLL files by de-registering and then re-registering 2 DLL files which were the slmn.dll and slxab32.dll and de-activating them using command prompts like the following:

regsvr32 c:\windows\system32\slxab32.dll
regsvr32 c:\program files\saleslogix\slmn.dll

However, this has not seemed to work neither.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can someone provide me with some useful knowledge or information on this matter. I am beginning to find that this button cannot be found ever again and my colleague is the luckiest man to have it as it saves so much time to have this feature for him.

Cory Haibloom
Posts: 39
Re: Missing SLX Button in OutlookYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 01 Apr 10 1:48 PM
I was able to restore to Go to SLX button by closing Outlook and then running "regsvr32 c:\program files\saleslogix\slxab32.dll". This worked great for my 32-bit systems. However, I have been wholly unsuccessful in getting it to work on my 64-bit systems.
Posts: 1
Re: Missing SLX Button in OutlookYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 20 Sep 12 11:20 AM

Probably very delayed, but I've been looking into this and have the answer

You need to ensure the SalesLogix Address Book has been added to Outlook, and logged into SalesLogix

Outlook 2007:

 - Tools, Account Settings, Address Books

Outlook 2010 (32bit):

 - File, Account Settings, Account Settings, Address Books


If "SalesLogix Address Book" isn't listed, choose New, Additional Address Books, SalesLogix Address Book

If "SalesLogix Address Book" is listed, select it and choose Change

Fill in the username/password/connection, or select "Prompt on Startup", restart Outlook, and you should have the Go To SLX button available again!

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