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 Author  Thread: webservice failure for REMOTE but not NETWORK
Posts: 26
webservice failure for REMOTE but not NETWORKYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 06 Feb 09 2:31 PM
My webservice keeps failing for my remote users with any error.
I have no way to test as a remote user so I am at a loss.

Does anyone know of any differences between the two I need to be aware of. I will post my code seperatly.
Posts: 26
Re: webservice failure for REMOTE but not NETWORKYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 06 Feb 09 2:35 PM

It works for Network users, but not remotes.

sub HandleStateChange
dim sReturn
if (oXMLHTTP.readyState = 4) then
dim szResponse: szResponse = oXMLHTTP.responseText
call oXMLDoc.loadXML(szResponse)
if (oXMLDoc.parseError.errorCode = -1072896680) then
sError ="Project number will be retreived next time you synch. Unable to connect to webservice\internet. "
elseif (oXMLDoc.parseError.errorCode <> 0) then
sError = "Project Number will be retreived next time you synch" & oXMLDoc.parseError.reason & oXMLDoc.parseError.errorCode
sReturn = oXMLDoc.text
if(Instr(sReturn, "succesfully"))then
call msgbox(sReturn)'Tell them that it was succesfully created.
sError = "Project number will be retreived next time you synch. " & "Web Service: " & sReturn
end if
end if
end if
End Sub

Sub CreateIPS
dim opportunityID
dim connDb
dim sprocType '1 = new 2 = update only new from slx update is for the server
dim env '0 = PROD 1 = DEV
dim createdUserId
dim p

opportunityID = Application.BasicFunctions.CurrentOpportunityID
sprocType = 1

createdUserId = trim(Application.BasicFunctions.CurrentUserID)

connDb = "ServerSLX"

set oXMLDoc = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument")
set oXMLHTTP = CreateObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.0")
oXMLHTTP.onreadystatechange = getRef("HandleStateChange")

env = 0 'PROD
call oXMLHTTP.open("POST", "http://webap.amcs.tld/SLXWebService/SLXService.asmx/SingleOpportunityTransferUpdateIPS", false)'PROD

call oXMLHTTP.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
p ="opportunityID=" & opportunityID &"&connDb=" & connDb + "&sprocType=" & sprocType & "&env=" & env & "&createdUserId=" & createdUserId

call oXMLHTTP.send(p)

end sub
Timmus Agersea
Posts: 328
Re: webservice failure for REMOTE but not NETWORKYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 06 Feb 09 3:04 PM

I am unable to hit "http://webap.amcs.tld/SLXWebService/SLXService.asmx" with a browser. Could it be that the users must be on the domain to hit the web service? Have you asked them to VPN into the domain and try the feature?

Posts: 26
Re: webservice failure for REMOTE but not NETWORKYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 06 Feb 09 3:07 PM
yes they must vpn or be a remote user at a different office.

I pass this conn string to my webservice to call back to the slx database to gather information.

connDb = Application.GetNewConnection()
pos = InStr(1, connDb, "Extended Properties")
connDb = Left(connDb, pos-1)
pos2 = InstrRev(connDb,"Password=")
connDb = Mid(connDb,pos2)
connDb = "Provider=SLXOLEDB.1;" & connDb
Posts: 26
Re: webservice failure for REMOTE but not NETWORKYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 06 Feb 09 3:11 PM
The conn looks like this in the end. The questions marks are obviously different.

Provider=SLXOLEDB.1assword=????ersist Security Info=True;User ID=sysdba;Initial Catalog=SALESLOGIX;Data Source=US3GRRP576A;
Timmus Agersea
Posts: 328
Re: webservice failure for REMOTE but not NETWORKYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 06 Feb 09 3:31 PM
I am not sure what exactly your parsing code does, but you cannot pass the remote database's connection string to your webservice as your webservice likely needs to connect to a database local to it. The remote database connection string would therefore fail.

Here is how I manage connections for applications that are not managed by SalesLogix:

I add a connection to the config file, web.config for example, and I configure it with the SalesLogix admin user and password. Then in all of my webservices I have a parameter for the usercode. Usercode is the login which you can get from


The following C# shows how to use impersonation to ensure the current user can only issue statements within their security context:

System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder csb = new System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder();
csb.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SalesLogix"].ConnectionString.ToString();
csb["impersonate"] = "cathy";
SqlDataSource1.ConnectionString = csb.ConnectionString;

Hope this helps!

Posts: 26
Re: webservice failure for REMOTE but not NETWORKYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 06 Feb 09 3:35 PM
Many thanks. I will try that logic on Monday.
Posts: 26
Re: webservice failure for REMOTE but not NETWORKYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 10 Feb 09 2:15 PM
My solution

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