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 Author  Thread: PHP Calendar
Matthew Deeks
Posts: 4
PHP CalendarYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 01 Feb 07 4:13 AM
ok, what I'm doing is using the activitys out of the database and building a webpage with 2 weeks of data. the issue I have is that recurring meetings is a bit over my head and need some help please?

SLX V.6.2.4
John H. Hedges
Posts: 62
Re: PHP CalendarYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 02 Feb 07 1:13 AM
This is not going to be easy, I'm afraid. I assume you have access to the SalesLogix Web Client content files? If so, look in the slxweb\jscript folder - the code you want is in two files, recactcontrol.js and recactspec.js.

If you're using Java or even "native" PHP, the code should be fairly adaptable. If you're using VB, you'll have trouble with the bitwise operators (or lack thereof). Either way, you'll have to read pretty much all visible recurring activities out of the database each time, and calculate schedules for each one, dumping them into an array or an in-memory table of some sort.

It isn't fun... sorry...
Matthew Deeks
Posts: 4
Re: PHP CalendarYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 05 Feb 07 4:13 AM
Thanks, That will do it
Matthew Deeks
Posts: 4
Re: PHP CalendarYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 05 Feb 07 5:27 AM
ok, i have got the files. But we dont have the web client here, so I dont have any context of how the files are used.
John H. Hedges
Posts: 62
Re: PHP CalendarYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 06 Feb 07 1:39 AM
I'm not sure I can help all that much - it's been a long while, and I was working in Delphi, not PHP or Java, so I had a major advantage. The code wasn't excessively difficult to port over, but of course there's more to it than just figuring out what the code does.

There are five fields in ACTIVITY that are relevant here. For dates where RECURRING = 'T', SalesLogix assigns the following numeric codes to the RECURPERIOD field:

0: Daily, every RECURPERIODSPEC days
1: Daily, every RECURPERIODSPEC days after completion
2: Weekly, every X? weeks, on selected days
3: Weekly, every RECURPERIODSPEC-524288? weeks after completion
4: Monthly, on the Xth day of every Xth month
5: Monthly, on the [1st/2nd/.../last] [Sun/Mon/...Sat] of each month
6: Monthly, every RECURPERIODSPEC-? months after completion
7: Yearly, every X years on a specific date
8: Yearly, on the [1st/2nd/.../last] [Sun/Mon/...Sat] of [Month]
9: Yearly, every X years after completion

In each case, the activity ends after RECURITERATIONS occurrences.

If you delete a single instance of a recurring activity, a hex string is stored in the RECURSKIP field. My solution was to "stretch" that into a string of byte representations of the characters, so that I could pick out the 1's from the 0's by index, with the index of each "1" representing a skipped recurrence.

RECURPERIODSPEC is the hardest part, all based on bitwise arithmetic, and I couldn't even hope to explain it - like I say, with any luck you'll be able to use the code from the .js files without much modification.

I'm not going to sugar-coat this for you - IMO this is one of the three hardest things you can possibly attempt in SalesLogix, the others being to crack the field-level security scheme (about the same level of difficulty) and to crack the sync logging and TEF-generation system (essentially impossible, at least not without a lot of insider information you'll never manage to obtain).

As a result, 99.9 percent of people don't attempt this at all - they simply tell their clients/employers that their custom calendars won't contain any recurring activities, so "don't make any!"
Matthew Deeks
Posts: 4
Re: PHP CalendarYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 06 Feb 07 3:57 AM
ok, I have got my head round the way recurring meetings work. 1 thing I need to know is if a meeting is set to recur on monday and tuesday, is that 2 recurrences or 1?
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