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 Author  Thread: LAN contact groups don't have (First,Last) Name hyperlinks in listview
Steve Knowles
Posts: 657
Top 10 forum poster: 657 posts
LAN contact groups don't have (First,Last) Name hyperlinks in listviewYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 13 Sep 07 11:51 AM
I am noticing that groups created in the LAN are not having a hyperlink in the first, last name fields when rendered in the web to allow the user to navigate to the contact. That's userful. hehehe. How can I get the names to show up as links? Thanks
Jeff Ballard
Posts: 326
Re: LAN contact groups don't have (First,Last) Name hyperlinks in listviewYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 13 Sep 07 2:53 PM

I think you're out of luck - unless you want to do a lot of work. I know that it's hard-coded to only return certain columns as hyperlinks and there is no easy way to add a link (that I'm aware of). Perhaps someone else knows of an easy way.

If you want to go through the effort, you could try looking at the groupmanager_ShowGroup function in "groupmanager.js" and parse the values of the variable "vRet", which is the HTML returned through the slxweb AJAX call. You might be able to find the column you want and create your own hyperlink and use the innerText or innerHTML to set the value - but I don't know if you'll be able to count on the returned html having all the properties you need to get a reference to a cell, consistently named, to make this happen for any group. You can double check, but I don't think the <td> tags have any info to tell you what column you're dealing with. Without that, you could hardcode it to get a specific column (by ordinal), but if the user adds a column, you're hosed. And that would probably have to be group specific.

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