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 Author  Thread: Modify user 'Options' tabs in Web Client
Steve Knowles
Posts: 657
Top 10 forum poster: 657 posts
Modify user 'Options' tabs in Web ClientYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 13 Sep 07 9:23 AM
I would like to hide some of the tabs on the options page in web client (General/Search, Group/Tab, Activity/Alarm, Calendar, Password, Opportunities) but am having a little trouble making this happen. I can see the individual templates for each tab. Is there a way to hide an entire tab - for example the Password tab, or am I better off hiding or removing items on each tab? Thanks
Jeff Ballard
Posts: 326
Re: Modify user 'Options' tabs in Web ClientYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 13 Sep 07 10:51 AM

I'm referring to 6.2, but I suspect 7.0 is the same. In the template "prefsobjs" there is a javascript function initTabList() that calls "oTab.addPanel()" function. By commenting out that line , you should be able to hide the whole tab. I just made the "General/Search" tab go away.

You might need to look at how it's saving the data - the web action is called "prefs_post". From what I can tell, all the tabs call the same submit action on the prefsobjs template. It posts a huge string of data that gets stored in the table slxwebuserinfo. I'm not sure what will happen if you don't have all the values in that string. More specifically: a user has all their options set. When they go to your revised options page, will the values that aren't displayed get dropped from the list of preferences? It may work just fine, but it probably needs investigation.

To see what gets stored, in the prefs_post action, add this as the first two lines:
senderror PostedGetValue("hdnValuesToPost")
exit sub

Steve Knowles
Posts: 657
Top 10 forum poster: 657 posts
Re: Modify user 'Options' tabs in Web ClientYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 13 Sep 07 11:47 AM
Spot on Jeff. Thanks
Todd Herman
Posts: 52
Re: Modify user 'Options' tabs in Web ClientYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 18 Sep 07 9:23 AM
Hey gents, this is helpful for something I am dealing with today...though I can't say I'm ultra excited to still be manipulating the v6.x web client.
I am trying to default all concurrent user logins on the web to the ticket list view, using the default group "My Open" tickets. That option isn't offered in the UI on the options tab so I was playing around with the SLXWEBUSERINFO table settings, but having no luck since it's a BLOB field. I can see parts of the long string, but can't figure out how to adjust the startup form that it's pointing to without blowing up the rest of the BLOB string. Any thoughts on how to get the ticket default available for a one time setup? I will probably look at hiding the option tabs so they can't change settings since the customer wants more consistent/stringent look and feel, rather than user flexibility in this case. Thanks for any feedback.
Nick Hollis
Posts: 549
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Re: Modify user 'Options' tabs in Web ClientYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 19 Sep 07 9:29 AM
Hmm tricky one - im not sure its possible, but I guess you could set one users and perhaps copy the contents of their SLXWEBUSERINFO blob into another users and test it? This may mess up the other users options though as a lot of things are determined by that blob....
Todd Herman
Posts: 52
Re: Modify user 'Options' tabs in Web ClientYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 19 Sep 07 10:09 AM
Good thought Nick, but it didn't work. Iactually tried a couple of things yesterday along those lines. Updating the BLOB in SQL ended up blowing up a bunch of things, and that was actually just copying the blob text for the correct user, with a change to the web form for one parameter in that text blob...It got ugly

The other problem in this case, is that the web options don't include an option to set the user default login page to "Tickets". It only includes the Contact, Account, Opp, Calendar, etc. Since it sin't an option, I cannot setup a user that way inside the client. I guess that is part one of the issue. Part two is a nice to have, being able to set it across the board for all users.
Raul A. Chavez
Posts: 1300
Top 10 forum poster: 1300 posts
Re: Modify user 'Options' tabs in Web ClientYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 19 Sep 07 12:00 PM
Let me clarify something, I have many times updated the data directly on the Blob with no issues.

I had at some point a VB script (stand alone VB SCript files using ADODB to connect to the DB) written to change some of the defaults values to my default values. Others to reset certain values due to changes on the way we utilized the web client, so it is doable.

Also, I have customized the Options pages, adding a new page and saving Custom values into the Blob as well. The main problem we ran when doing this was that even though on the DB the blob size didn't have a limit, since the Blob is read into a Cookie during the login, if we passed a certain length the cookie would get corrupted (I am not sure if it was 1K or 2K, but certainly we ran into this often enough that one of the above mentioned scripts was built solely to reset the Blob to our default values).

Now, how to....

prefobjs Template is the one that includes the Java Script that saves the data into the DB.
If I am not mistaken (its been a while since I did this), when the tabs loaded, all the Options are loaded into Objects/Arrays via the script (You will notice that this is done via Classes built on the Java Script file)
When a tab is saved (via SaveState) it matches the fields against values on the Arary and if needed I believe it adds them
When the Save button is hit, it calls the PostData function. This function does several things:
- Builds the String that will be posted to the Database
- Applies the changes as well to the Cookie using the Cookie.setCookieParam function.
- It Submits the form (prefsobjs) which posts to the prefs_post action

The prefs_post action simply takes the String passed from the form and writes it into the SLXWEBUSERINFO table.

This is indeed a somewhat complex area of the system, mainly due to how they handle the Forms and the creations of tabs, but hiding a tab shouldn't affect the values referenced on it since they would still be on the Cookie (if previously set)

If you review the Login, the first time a user login if there blob is empty, it uses a Default cookie, which is what then gets populated when you first go into Options. [You can find this by checking the mainpage template]

Jeff Ballard
Posts: 326
Re: Modify user 'Options' tabs in Web ClientYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 19 Sep 07 3:54 PM

If I understand what you're trying to do, this will work:

1) Open the template prefsgen.
2) Find the "Show on Startup" label".
3) You'll notice the next <td> is populated by javascript. Add this: to the writeln statement where you see all the dropdown options written:
<option value=csrsearchfrmtick>Tickets</option>

4) Save the template flush, log out and log back in. Tickets is now an option in the show on startup prefs. Change the Show on startup option to "Tickets".
5) Log out and log back in and you'll see tickets is now your startup.

You can use this same technique to make any page your start page - "csrsearchfrmtick" (the value attribute in the <option> tag) is simply the name of the web template to show. As a test, I set my default page to blank with this:
<option value=blank>Blank</option>

As for setting that as the default without having to change it manually for each user, look for this in the BLOB:

All you have to do is find the "startpage=xxxxxxxx&" in the BLOB string parse it, and update it. You might have to search for "&startpage=xxxx&" - there may be no guarantee that startpage is first in the string. The prefs are all stored as name/value pairs like a query string, so parsing what you need shouldn't be too tough. Just make sure you update it correctly. I've not updated a lot of BLOBs using SQL, but I believe they do require special handling. Someone can probably keep me honest on that last statement.

Hope this helps.

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