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Encrypting data?![Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM](/images/forumimages/new.gif)
Posted: 31 Mar 08 2:00 PM
This is a cross post from the TSQL & Queries forum - forgive me, but it touches both.
Anyone know of a way to encrypt the contents of a field in SalesLogix? Specifically in the pre 7.2 web client?
I know that SQL 2005 allows for encryption of fields using symmetric keys, asymmetric keys, hasbytes and passphrases, but they all require specific SQL which the provider would have trouble with. Even without the provider the web client would generate the SQL for detail pages & #QUERY objects without the necessary statements to encrypt/decrypt, so I think what I want to do is not possible?
Has anyone done this? Is my assessment of the situation correct? I'd love to hear any ideas.
Re: Encrypting data?![Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM](/images/forumimages/new.gif)
Posted: 31 Mar 08 5:25 PM
This is not Web Related but... I recently had a similar problem and ended up using the .NET SQLCLR functionality of SQL Server 2005 to Create a .NET User Defined Function. It worked really well with SLX 7.0, meaning the provider didn't choke on the UDF Calls, I haven't tried it on 7.2.2 yet but I'm hopefull it will still work, and you easily could encrypt and Decrypt the data through the UDF. Of course this won't sync but in a Web Environment it might not matter.
Re: Encrypting data?![Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM](/images/forumimages/new.gif)
Posted: 31 Mar 08 5:29 PM
I like the out of the box thinking. Remotes definitely don't apply (and never will given the customizations).
I take it all the SQL that hit the fields in custom was custom code where you manually wrote all the SQL? In the 5.2 (yep, this is 5.2) web client, the app generates all the SQL for the detail templates and query objects, meaning I have no access to the SQL to have it call the .NET SQL CLR function. I've never had to delve into the .NET SQL CLR, but I assume my SQL would have to call the UDF, correct?
Re: Encrypting data?![Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM](/images/forumimages/new.gif)
Posted: 31 Mar 08 5:38 PM
Yes your SQL would have to Call the UDF Something Like Select sysdba.udfMyEncryptor(myfieldIwanttoencrypt) from SomeTable where something
or possibly use a SQL View to handle the UDF call if you can use a View. If you have no Control over the SQL generated that would pose a problem.
Good Luck!
Scott |
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