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 Author  Thread: Functions in 6.2.6 Web Actions
Posts: 20
Functions in 6.2.6 Web ActionsYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 22 May 08 3:00 PM

I'm trying to create a recursive function in Web Actions

I call it passing the same accountid in both arguments.
The purpose is to parse the parent tree to see if one is Supported and the send back the ID.

Function ParentMaintained(sAccountID, sIDs)
Dim sParentID as String
Dim sID as String
Dim SQL as String
Dim sTemp as String

sID = sAccountID

SQL = "SELECT ac.accountid FROM account ac INNER JOIN accountsummary ay ON ac.accountid=ay.parentid "
SQL = SQL + "WHERE ay.accountid = '" & sAccountID & "'"

sParentID = "" + DoSQL(SQL, "0", "")

If sParentID <> "" And InStr(1, sIDs, sParentID) = 0 Then
If Account_IsMaintained(sParentID)="T" Then
sID = sParentID
sTemp = sIDs + "-" + sParentID
'sID = ParentMaintained(sParentID, sTemp)
If sID = sParentID Then sID = sAccountID
End If
End If

ParentMaintained = sID
End Function

The problem is that when I'm activation the recursive call (the sID=ParentMaintained() line I get an error and can't find what is wrong.

Does someone have an idea?
Jeff Ballard
Posts: 326
Re: Functions in 6.2.6 Web ActionsYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 22 May 08 3:21 PM
What's the error in the event viewer say? Have you tried a "senderror" statement with your built SQL statement, and if so, does it run OK in QA?


Posts: 20
Re: Functions in 6.2.6 Web ActionsYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 22 May 08 3:27 PM
I've tested my SQL in Administrator and it works well.
I also have tested the same functionality in the Sales Client without problem.

Jeff Ballard
Posts: 326
Re: Functions in 6.2.6 Web ActionsYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 22 May 08 4:32 PM
And there's nothing indicating an error in the event log on the web server (assuming you have event logging selected in the profile/server configuration in web manager)?

You could try putting a loop counter that appends some text with the iteration number in the function and then use "SendError" to output the text. It might give you an idea of how many times it's calling your recursive function - you'd at least know that it's getting into your recursive function and how many iterations it's going through.

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