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 Author  Thread: Moving SLX Web customizations
Snow Monkey
Posts: 214
Moving SLX Web customizationsYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 18 Jul 06 1:25 PM
When i try to move Web bundles from One environment to another the HTML, JS, htc behaviour files etc are not getting moved automatically.Is this normal ? or what is the best way to move your web customs from one region to another?

Also when a template/action get overwritten , both the old and the new are left active..Why is that ? Dont you think the old one should be unreleased while a new one with the same name is installed thru another package?

Ryan Farley
Posts: 2265
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Re: Moving SLX Web customizationsYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 18 Jul 06 2:39 PM
Originally posted by Nandu

When i try to move Web bundles from One environment to another the HTML, JS, htc behaviour files etc are not getting moved automatically.Is this normal ?

Yes, this is normal. You must copy these files yourself.

Originally posted by Nandu

Also when a template/action get overwritten , both the old and the new are left active..Why is that ? Dont you think the old one should be unreleased while a new one with the same name is installed thru another package?

Well, it should, but it doesn't do this automatically for you. I tend to go for an "all or nothing" approach when I deliver web customizations. My bundle will include all entries from the 4 web tables and remove all existing entries before it does anything else. This does mean you need to be developing in an identical system as the one you are installing to (or else you'll loose entries).

Far from ideal, but at least you'll know that there are no dupes marked as active.

Duncan Cook
Posts: 164
Re: Moving SLX Web customizationsYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 18 Jul 06 3:20 PM
Nandu, as Ryan said the old actions/templates should get deactivated but they don't, I have some step which you can follow which work every time, no matter the environment and mean that your changes are active, but if you need to roll back, the old version are still available

1. Install the bundle
2. Copy the directory into slxweb folder
3. Log into web manager
4. Select the new package
5. Press F11 and select show current package only
6. Select all the files in Templates and click deactivate
7. Select all the files in Templates again and click activate
8. Repeat step 6-7 for alias, queries and actions.
9. Log into web client as admin
10. Run the flush command (http://webserver:port/scripts/slxweb.dll/admin?command=flush)
11. Run the shutdown command (http://webserver:port/scripts/slxweb.dll/admin?command=Shutdown)

Jeff Ballard
Posts: 326
Re: Moving SLX Web customizationsYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 18 Jul 06 5:07 PM
I have a different approach...just throwing it out there as an alternative.

I can't always assume my customer hasn't made changes, so I never delete items. What I do:

1) Build a bundle and use the "Execute SQL" option to execute four SQL statements:

UPDATE SLXWEBTEMPLATE SET ISACTIVE = 'F', DESCRIPTION = 'Deactivated by bundle xxx' WHERE ISACTIVE = 'T' AND NAME IN ('updated template names here')

UPDATE SLXWEBACTION SET ISACTIVE = 'F', DESCRIPTION = 'Deactivated by bundle xxx' WHERE ISACTIVE = 'T' AND NAME IN ('updated action names here')

UPDATE SLXWEBALIAS SET ISACTIVE = 'F', DESCRIPTION = 'Deactivated by bundle xxx' WHERE ISACTIVE = 'T' AND NAME IN ('updated alias names here')

UPDATE SLXWEBQUERY SET ISACTIVE = 'F', DESCRIPTION = 'Deactivated by bundle xxx' WHERE ISACTIVE = 'T' AND NAME IN ('updated query names here')

2) Next, I use bundler's "SQL Result Set" option to select the records from each of the web template, action alias and query tables that I want to send.

3) I map a drive to my dev env slxweb folder. I build a zip file, saving "full path info", for each of the templates (or JS files) I add to to the zip.

All the customer has to do is apply the bundle and extract the zip file to their slxweb folder.

Of course, if you need to include schema or other bundle actions, you can do that, too. But that's my basic process.

Snow Monkey
Posts: 214
Re: Moving SLX Web customizationsYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 20 Jul 06 8:30 AM
Thanks Duncan Jeff and Ryan!

I ended up doing an INSERT record(with generate NEWIDs on install option checked) of all slx templates , Actions, Aliases, Queries and Overrides and then Execute sql for deactivating the common plugins by

UPDATE SLXWEBACTION SET ISACTIVE = 'F' WHERE NAME IN (SELECT NAME FROM SLXWEBACTION WHERE BUNDLE = 'ITX_Proto_Rel1') AND BUNDLE <> 'ITX_Proto_Rel1' .Jeff , i know i should have added the description field also as per your approach!!

Then after this , just to be sure i am activating all the components in my current bundle by another SQL Update statement.

As far as the files in the webserver goes , i have included a self install EXE file which will copy the files to different relative directories depending on where it was added from....Only thing is that right now , the files are getting overwritten.I want them to add themselves in and rename the old ones with some meaningful name...is that possible thru Win Zip?
Timmus Agersea
Posts: 328
Re: Moving SLX Web customizationsYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 20 Jul 06 9:43 PM
Very similar to what the others recommended but there are some additional recommendations that you may benefit from (my post is near the bottom).


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