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 Author  Thread: 6.2.4 When does the Web refresh it's user list?
Justin Kuehlthau
Posts: 24
6.2.4 When does the Web refresh it's user list?Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 02 Aug 06 10:28 AM

When does the web refresh it's user list of people allowed to log into the web client?

I've recently created two users that are able to log into the network client. When I try to log into the web client as the new users I get the invalid username or password message. One of these users was added over 24 hours ago. The last time this occured doing an IIS reset fixed the issue.

This time I've tried flushing the cache, /admin?command=(function), but as I suspected it did not help.

I've also noticed that a new user I just added and set as the account manager of an opportunity shows up in the web client as just the userID, as if the web doesn't have the username information yet.

I have not yet applied HF 1 or 2. We are testing 2 at the moment.

Thank you,
Justin Kuehlthau
Jeff Ballard
Posts: 326
Re: 6.2.4 When does the Web refresh it's user list?Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 02 Aug 06 11:33 AM

If you've reset IIS, it should work as that will shut down the processes the DLL runs under. Not that it helps, but all the user info is read and cached at startup of the DLL, but and admin?command=shutdown will force the DLL to reload that info.

Can the new user names and password log into the LAN client just to test that the usernames and passwords work correctly?

Do you have multiple web sites and databases? Is it possible the users were accidentally added to a different database?

Justin Kuehlthau
Posts: 24
Re: 6.2.4 When does the Web refresh it's user list?Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 02 Aug 06 11:49 AM

It was all in the correct database.

I used the command /admin?command=shutdown and that reset the login information. Thank you!
The shutdown command did not interupt another web user I had logged in, which I was worried about.

It seems foolish that I would need to run this command every time I want to edit or add a user to SalesLogix. Has anyone automated this or found a better way to refresh the dll?

Thank you,
Justin Kuehlthau
Jeff Ballard
Posts: 326
Re: 6.2.4 When does the Web refresh it's user list?Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 02 Aug 06 12:06 PM

I'm glad the shutdown worked. I'm surprised that the IIS reset didn't work, though. I created a user and couldn't log in, but after an IIS reset it worked. But I've also seen SalesLogix do some flaky stuff and seen things not work even after a flush and/or shutdown. Don't even get me started on the time the DLL served an out of date template even after an IIS reset, reboot, shutdown, flushed, etc. The problem was solved *immediately* after stopping the process and deleting the slxweb.dll file and copying a new *physical* slxweb.dll from the CD. Fortunately, others were involved at the same time, so I knew I wasn't crazy.

There's actually a lot of stuff cached for performance at startup: userinfo, security info, and picklists. There's probably more, but I don't know specifics.

There isn't another way that I'm aware of to refresh the info. I guess the theory is that in a production system, users shouldn't be getting added too often, so the shutdown shouldn't need to happen too often. That's probably the theory, anyway. At least it doesn't disrupt the users.

Glad it's working, though!


Justin Kuehlthau
Posts: 24
Re: 6.2.4 When does the Web refresh it's user list?Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 02 Aug 06 12:10 PM

iisreset did work to update the user information, but I was trying to find a better way to refresh the information. The shutdown command does not appear to affect other users that are logged in, where iisreset would affect them.

Thank you again for your suggestion!

Justin Kuehlthau
Duncan Cook
Posts: 164
Re: 6.2.4 When does the Web refresh it's user list?Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 02 Aug 06 12:43 PM
Hi Justin,

The Shutdown Command does release the cache for the users and won't affect users that are already logged in.
Unfortunately there is no way to automate this which is a real pain, would be good if Sage did something with this.
One other thing to note if you add a user with no password, they will be able to login straight away.

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