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 Author  Thread: Need help accessing data in javascript
Posts: 42
Need help accessing data in javascriptYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 21 Nov 06 2:46 PM
Okay...so I'm new at this and still trying to figure some stuff out. I need to access a field in the database inside my javascript code, is there a way to do this? Here's what I'm trying to do. In the HTML, if I want to access a database field and assign that field to a textbox I do it like this: <td><input type="text" name="blah" value="<#F name=blah>" /></td>. So, want I am trying to do is only add a label if a field has a certain value. How do I drop access that database field inside the javascript? Any help would be most appreciated.
Jeff Ballard
Posts: 326
Re: Need help accessing data in javascriptYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 21 Nov 06 11:46 PM

It's actually pretty easy. If you look at the template "accinfo" on line 13, you'll see they've referenced a #SYS tag in JavaScript. You can do the exact same thing with a #FIELD tag.

For example, make a copy of the accinfo template and make the copy active. Then modify the line that reads (should be line 23)

to read

Then just after line 18 that reads:
var accid = '<#AF name=id>';

add this function:

function test()
if ("<#FIELD name=accname>" == "Abbott Ltd.")
document.all.ACCOUNT[1].innerText = "Abbott Label";
document.all.ACCOUNT[1].innerText = "";

That function [test();] gets called when the HTML page is finished loading. It should change the label next to the Account name to a blank if the account is not Abbott Ltd. If it is Abbott Ltd., it should read "Abbott Label". Unless I've left something out (it is getting late), that should do it.

If you run into issues, post again and I'll do my best!

Jeff Ballard
Posts: 326
Re: Need help accessing data in javascriptYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 21 Nov 06 11:48 PM
Agh! The forum stripped out my tag (rightfully so...). My references to line 23 should look like this - and I've intentionally left out the opening and closing tags.

Change line 23 from this:

body onload="init();" style="border:0px solid;"

to this:

body onload="init();test();" style="border:0px solid;"

I think the rest came through OK.

Posts: 42
Re: Need help accessing data in javascriptYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 22 Nov 06 2:15 PM
That did exactly what I needed. Thanks.
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