fiogf49gjkf0d Martin,
On the query editing screen, select the layout tab. From the drop down where it says "Select the table component to modify", select the field in question. In the Markup box, type "Title". In the Value box, type "Customer PO". Click "Set". Now, here's the weird part. With the values still in the Markup/Value boxes, type "TITLEALIGN" in the Markup box and in the value box, type "LEFT" and press "Set". That will left align it. If you want it centered, put "middle", right = "right". Then click "Set" and it will add it to the list of markup/value pairs.
It's kind of bizarre that you "type over" an existing value, but if you click "Set" it will add it. As long as it's not a new markup, it won't add a new one, it'll just update the existing.
Hopefully this makes sense.