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 Author  Thread: Bundles
David Nunnally
Posts: 206
BundlesYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 19 Apr 06 12:14 PM

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I am new to the web client and just starting to add our customizations to the web pages and have a question. In the Sales Client you can bundle your changes and move to other databases and etc. What similar functionality is available for the web client. How do you backup your packages (including the aliases, queries, actions, and templates), move them to other database, etc.
Martin Draper
Posts: 41
Re: BundlesYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 20 Apr 06 3:50 AM
Firstly, you need to ensure that all of your changes are in their own package(s).

Then using bundler, you can bundle the Web Data for your particular package. This will create a bundle which contains details of the templates and the actual action, queries and aliases. You can then apply this to another system.

What the bundler will not do is to automatically bundle the physical templates. You will have to take your package directory and copy that to the new location.

One thig to bear in mind also is that when you apply a web bundle, if any of your scripts were amendments of existing ones, you may well find that you have both the old one and your new one activated. If this is the case, do the following.

In Web Manager on the new system select your package.
Then Press F11 and select the option to only see current package.
Then for each of the four entities on the left click the button.
Select each of the activate entries on the right. Then deactivate them. Then activate them again.
Repeat for the other entities (i.e. templates, actions, etc.)

David Nunnally
Posts: 206
Re: BundlesYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 20 Apr 06 8:31 AM


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OK, I open bundler, select insert web data. Pick my package, generate new id on install, replace records in target table, and all records inactive. I notice it adds a sections for [Begin Create Web Tables]. Should that be left even though the tables exist? What exactly does that section do? Thank for all the help Martin.
Martin Draper
Posts: 41
Re: BundlesYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 20 Apr 06 8:42 AM
Originally posted by David Nunnally

OK, I open bundler, select insert web data. Pick my package, generate new id on install, replace records in target table, and all records inactive. I notice it adds a sections for [Begin Create Web Tables]. Should that be left even though the tables exist? What exactly does that section do? Thank for all the help Martin.

These tables are the ones that actually hold information about the web client. On an out of the box system, these do not exist until you apply a web bundle for the first time.

If the SLX version you are taking the information from is the same as the destination, you can just leave it there. However, I generally remove this section as I have come across issues moving a bundle from one version to another (even differing Service Pack levels).


David Nunnally
Posts: 206
Re: BundlesYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 20 Apr 06 9:11 AM


diclofenac bartnederveen.nl
Thanks for the help. What I have setup is two sites. One for development and testing with a copy of the live database. And one for our live database. They are both the same version, 6.2.2. The tables already exist. Must have been created when one of the service pack bundle I installed for the web client was installed. Again thanks for the help and quick replies. I am starting to get the hang of this web client.
Timmus Agersea
Posts: 328
Re: BundlesYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 04 May 06 1:38 AM

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I use ExecuteSQL and SQL Result Sets. I figure out which aliases, queries,
templates, and actions I want and then I create an "in statement" for each.

ExecuteSQL :

SQL Result Set 1:
pick the slxwebaction table
Add a condition NAME IN ('action1', 'action2', 'etc)
Add a condition ISACTIVE = 'T'

SQL Result Set 2:
pick the slxwebalias table
Add a condition NAME IN ('item1', 'item2', 'etc)
Add a condition ISACTIVE = 'T'

SQL Result Set 3:
pick the slxwebquery table
Add a condition NAME IN ('item1', 'item2', 'etc)
Add a condition ISACTIVE = 'T'

SQL Result Set 4:
pick the slxwebtemplate table
Add a condition NAME IN ('item1', 'item2', 'etc)
Add a condition ISACTIVE = 'T'

Now all you have to do is copy the web template html files over. *** IMPORTANT *** if you are working in a multi developer environment this is more tedious than if you can assume all of your files are the most current. In the mutli developer scenario you must selectively choose the files to deploy.

This is by no means optimal but it seems better than manually handling the

Another tip - whenever you are "versioning" a template by copying prior to
making revisions, don't modify the new file. Always modify the original
file. This way you always know which one is the current file without
looking at the database. Anything with "name rev xxx" is just a backup.

1. RMB on the template | Copy
2. The copy is the backup
3. Edit the original template

David Nunnally
Posts: 206
Re: BundlesYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 04 May 06 8:21 AM

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Thanks Timmus , I have saved this off in my tech notes and will try the next time I am making dev changes.
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