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 Author  Thread: Upgrade 6.2.1 to SP6 woes
Matt B
Posts: 7
Upgrade 6.2.1 to SP6 woesYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 07 Mar 07 4:23 PM
Have stepped through the upgrade of our client's 6.2 SP1 implementation of SalesLogix to service pack 6 and when the Web Client is logged-in (with any user account, even Admin) the LeftNav is blank, the main page is blank and the TopNav never fully loads. I've done the install three or four times in a row (starting over each time with a perfectly working 6.2.1 Web Host) and the result is the same immediately after installing SP6 over the Web Host/Manager and updating the Web Components.

Has anyone seen the behaviour? I've verified that ASP.NET 1.1 is working perfectly and is registered in IIS just fine, the Web Manager configuration checker gives the implementation a perfect bill of health and there are no errors in the Event Logs at all. I'm totally baffled at this point.

SalesLogix Tech Support hasn't been able to help thusfar and we can't get this client upgraded to SP6. Thanks so much for any help you might be able to offer!
Jeff Ballard
Posts: 326
Re: Upgrade 6.2.1 to SP6 woesYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 07 Mar 07 9:04 PM

A couple of thoughts. On the topnav, do you see a yellow area? If so, it's a .NET error. You can select the text in it and paste into notepad to get a better idea of what's gone wrong. I know you mentioned that .NET is installed and running, but there could be something with SalesLogix combined with .NET.

Is the web site added to the list of trusted sites in IE?

In a browser on a machine that preferably has Visual Studio installed (at least Microsoft Script debugger), go to the internet explorer Tools-->Options menu. Select advanced. Make sure that "Disable script debugging" is NOT checked, "Display a notification about every script error" IS checked. Perhaps an error will pop up that wasn't being displayed before. If so, when prompted to start debugging, say yes.

Lastly, if you're not getting an error message, try putting a "debugger;" at the very top of topnav and step through to see if you can spot the error. You can try putting a "debugger;" statement in leftnav, too. Those might give you an idea of what's going wrong.

The last thing - can you uninstall 6.2.1 and then install 6.2.0 and go directly to SP6? All your base web templates and actions should be updated by SP6 since it's cumulative. Lastly, are your web components installed in the default SLX folder? If not (i.e. they got installed there but you copied them to a different location for production use), it's possible the components in the base folder got updated, but the ones where IIS is pointing did not. The installer will only update the components in the installed location. If you manually copied the web components to a different folder, those won't get updated automatically. The time stamp on the slxweb.dll should be 6:26AM. The time stamp on the slx files are usually the version number.

Hopefully one of these suggestions will help!

Timmus Agersea
Posts: 328
Re: Upgrade 6.2.1 to SP6 woesYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 07 Mar 07 11:14 PM
We have done some "expedited" upgrades recently due to the timezone patches and have seen similar behavior. It appears that the upgrade does a poor job of handling activating/deactivating actions, aliases, queries, and templates. I don't want to say it is a defect as I have not had time to verify but I have my suspicions . The following SQL will list the cases where duplicates items are activated:

Bundle, Name
IsActive = 'T' AND
Name IN
IsActive = 'T'
2, 1

Bundle, Name
IsActive = 'T' AND
Name IN
IsActive = 'T'
2, 1

Bundle, Name
IsActive = 'T' AND
Name IN
IsActive = 'T'
2, 1

Bundle, Name
IsActive = 'T' AND
Name IN
IsActive = 'T'
2, 1

Also, some significant changes have been made to the LeftNav and TopNav templates. I suggest activating the stock product templates (in the base bundle), resetting IIS, and testing again. If you find that all is well, this likely means the problem is customizations. If this is the case I suggest you use a comparison tool to assist you in manually adding your customizations back into the stock product templates. I use UltraEdit which is, arguably, the best text editor on the market. It has a compare feature which works great.

If customization is the issue I know it is annoying/frustrating/infuriating/etc. but it should not be too bad. Most customizations to the Left Nav and ToolBar are to add or hide/remove items. Usually the goal is not to completely massacre the stock feature. That being said, if someone tried to completely replace, aka massacre, those templates, you are in for a doozy. If it was you that did it, ouch. If it was someone else, find them and string them up.

Timmus Agersea
Posts: 328
Re: Upgrade 6.2.1 to SP6 woesYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 07 Mar 07 11:21 PM
In case duplicate activated items is the issue, I suggest manually handling the situation where feasible. However, if you have dozens or hundreds of offenders it becomes unreasonable to fix manually. Here is some SQL that should help you get started BUT DO NOT RUN THE SQL UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING AND YOU ALTER THE SQL FOR YOUR ENVIRONMENT (this is also known as a disclaimer . If you hose your system and don't have a backup, please don't point any fingers.)
IsActive = 'F'
Bundle <> 'Your Custom Bundle That Should Win'
IsActive = 'T' AND
Name IN
IsActive = 'T' AND
Bundle = 'Your Custom Bundle That Should Win'

Matt B
Posts: 7
Re: Upgrade 6.2.1 to SP6 woesYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 08 Mar 07 7:56 AM
There are definitely duplicate items. I noticed that early on and reactivated the items that seemed to be critical, TopNav, LefNav, con_con, etc. I ran the Update script (above) against all sections and double-checked the Active flags and it looks much better now. Unfortunately, still getting the blank sections (LeftNav and the main page) - any other thoughts? I have confirmed all items from the first poster (turned on script debugging, double checked install steps and Web Components, no errors in the Event log or pop-up errors at all), etc.

Any thoughts on rolling back all web custs to the Base package and reintroducing all custom items one at a time? Could I just use an Update statement to set all Base Templates, Actions, Queries, etc to Active somehow without screwing up the DB? I'm willing to do anything at this point to get this upgraded.
Jeff Ballard
Posts: 326
Re: Upgrade 6.2.1 to SP6 woesYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 08 Mar 07 8:14 AM

If you throw in the debugger; keyword, does it break into the debugger so you can step through topnav to see if everything runs? Or does it never get that far?

Your idea about going back to base and then introducing customizations one at a time sounds like a good one, although if you have a lot of custom templates, it could take a while. And if you have more than one custom item with the same name, just make sure you know which one to reactivate.

If the problem really is topnav or leftnav, it'll probably show up pretty quickly.

One other thing - you can copy the web components to another folder (deleting any custom package folders in the new copy), create another web site pointing to that folder and put an eval database with the web stuff applied. Basically the same idea you had about setting the base items active - but doing everything on a new DB with only the stock web components so you don't have to worry about reactivating custom items. That way you'll know if you can set up an eval SalesLogix installation. Might be more trouble than it's worth if you go with your suggestion of reactivating one item at a time, but if you can show that you have trouble with an eval database and stock web components, then it's probably the server/environment, not the customizations. And I've seen that happen a time or two.

Matt B
Posts: 7
Re: Upgrade 6.2.1 to SP6 woesYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 08 Mar 07 8:58 AM
I'll give these thoughts a try. Just out of curiosity, is there something special that needs to be done to reactivate the Base items? I re-activated all Base items in QA and restarted the SLX Server service onthe SLX Server and IIS service on the Web Server. Now I get an error page in the LeftNav saying the system can't find the "LeftNav.htm" page. What's up with that? I verified the item is Active in Web Manager and the file exists in the base\general folder on the server. Thoughts?
Jeff Ballard
Posts: 326
Re: Upgrade 6.2.1 to SP6 woesYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 08 Mar 07 9:48 AM

Nothing special required if you activate things through web manager, it should automatically deactivate any other items with the same name active.

If you double click on the leftnav template in web mgr - I assume since it's in the base\general folder, it opens it? Or do you get a file not found error? Back to Timmus' suggestion - you don't have dupe items active again, do you? Web mgr. shouldn't allow that if you deactivated there, but I'm wondering if it's attempting to open a template that doesn't exist. If there are dupes, it pulls the first one it encounters.

I assume that the frame src in the mainpage template that loads the leftnav template was never customized to hard code anything, correct? It should read:

< frame src="<#SYS name=swcpath>/view?name=leftnav" name="leftnav" noresize scrolling=no marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" >

There's definitely something bizarre going; sadly not unusual for the web client.

Matt B
Posts: 7
Re: Upgrade 6.2.1 to SP6 woesYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 08 Mar 07 11:56 AM
Here's what I've done:

1. Restored the SP1 DB over top of the perfectly working SP6 upgrade blank DB
2. Using the Bundler, bundled up all customizations in our custom package and then deleted any reference to these custs using QA
3. Upgraded the DB to SP6 including the Web SP6 bundle
4. Reviewed Web Manager and all Base items are activated with no duplicates that I can detect
5. Restarted IIS
6. Log-in and get the blank main page and the LeftNav is displaying an error page "The template "leftnav" was not found. Also, the TopNav isn't fully loading - the buttons are there but the Contact Group drop-down isn't displaying, just the label "Contact Group:"

No errors at all. I'm not sure what I need to do to activate the debugger as I've never done that, but I seriously doubt there are any errors being generated. What should I do to turn the debugging on so I can see what happens in the TopNav when it's loading?
Jeff Ballard
Posts: 326
Re: Upgrade 6.2.1 to SP6 woesYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 08 Mar 07 12:35 PM

In the JavaScript at the top of topnav there's a line that reads:

var htmlpath = "<#SYS name=htmlpath>";

before that line add this:


If you're a on a machine with Visual Studio (preferably) or the microsoft script debugging engine (it'll do, but not as good as visual studio), you'll be prompted to choose a debugger. Select one and it'll jump into the JavaScript and you can step through. topnav is a large file, so it will take a while to step through everything.

There's a function in there called "OrientMe()" which is where a lot of the group manager stuff happens. Any lines that reference "top.GM" would be where I'd look. The groupmanager object is used to do a lot of AJAX calls to the database. The calls to the DB are actually in the function "getFromServer(vURL)" located in the "slxweb\jscript\groupmanager.js" file. It might not hurt to put a debugger statement there, too. Check the "respText" variable to see what's actually coming back from the server.

If you find anything interesting, post it and maybe it'll ring some bells or give an idea of what's wrong.

Matt B
Posts: 7
Re: Upgrade 6.2.1 to SP6 woesYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 08 Mar 07 1:02 PM
I added the line:


Just above the var htmlpath = ... line and installed the MS Script Debugger, restarted the IIS service, but nothing happens when the page loads. Just the usual mostly unloaded page. Did I miss a step somewhere? The "Disable debugging" options are unchecked on the IE Advanced tab - FYI.
Jeff Ballard
Posts: 326
Re: Upgrade 6.2.1 to SP6 woesYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 08 Mar 07 2:16 PM

I usually have to reboot to get the script debugging engine to kick in. Happened just last week when I was on site. No joy until I rebooted.

Matt B
Posts: 7
Re: Upgrade 6.2.1 to SP6 woesYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 08 Mar 07 3:11 PM

Thanks - that did the trick! Funny thing is that the error not being able to find the LeftNav page is displaying even before the TopNav debugging starts. I've got some "debugging" testing to do, I'll see what I can figure out - this has got me stumped. Thanks! I'll FUP when I get more info.
Jeff Ballard
Posts: 326
Re: Upgrade 6.2.1 to SP6 woesYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 08 Mar 07 3:45 PM
Glad you at least have a direction to move in.

After 7 years of working with the SLX web, I can empathize.

Hopefully the debugging turns something up.

Jeff Ballard
Posts: 326
Re: Upgrade 6.2.1 to SP6 woesYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 14 Mar 07 4:46 PM

Any updates? Anything turn up?

Just curious,

Matt B
Posts: 7
Re: Upgrade 6.2.1 to SP6 woesYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 14 Mar 07 4:49 PM

This has been a ride. We've determined that the customizations for the Web Client are definitely to blame. We can't figure out where the breakdown it though. We're trying to jump to 7.0.1 instead of SP6 on 6.2 to see if the environment is more forgiving or at least gives us more feedback. I'll keep you posted as we're doing the 7.0.1 upgrade tomorrow.
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