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Forum to discuss using & developing the legacy SalesLogix Web Client (For versions 7.0 and earlier). View the code of conduct for posting guidelines.
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 Author  Thread: Web Client Implementation - Help with External Access
Catherine Jackson
Posts: 1
Web Client Implementation - Help with External AccessYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 12 Mar 07 8:24 AM
Hi, I wonder if someone could help..
I've been thrown in at the deep end of a SalesLogix web implementation, but have very little knowledge of networking, IIS etc. Using the implementation guides I've successfully installed and have the website working internally at http://sqlserver:3333/scripts/slxweb.dll/. Web reporting is also installed on the sqlserver machine using port 3334. The sqlserver machine is a 2nd server that we have running Windows 2003 Server R2 SE and our main server is using Small Business Server. Our network guys have configured our router (apparently) to forward requests coming in on ports 3333 and 3334 to the sqlserver machine, however when I replace 'sqlserver' in the above url with our external IP address and test outside our network I get the standard 'internet explorer cannot display the webpage' error and various suggestions about what could be causing it (like not being connected to the internet). I tried switching the default web site in IIS to use port 3333 and got the same problem so I'm fairly certain it's something to do with port forwarding or blocking, but I'm not sure how to go about diagnosing this and isolating exactly where the problem is. The windows firewall is switched off on sqlserver so I know it's not that.
The odd thing is that it was all working for about a day after I did the install and then just suddenly stopped.
Could anyone point me in the right direction? Our network guys insist that the port forwarding is working correctly but I'm not convinced and I need to know the right questions to be asking.
Nick Hollis
Posts: 549
Top 10 forum poster: 549 posts
Re: Web Client Implementation - Help with External AccessYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 13 Mar 07 3:08 AM
Hi Catherine,

When you say they have set up port forwarding, what exactly do you type in what do they forward it to? I guess a fundamental test to see if connectivity is there is to telnet to the box over the internet (open a command prompt window, type your servers external ip address and then just put the port number at end e.g. 207.45.22.xxx 3333. If it lets you have a connection then this port is open.)

Changing the default web site to port 3333 will not prove anything, that has just made the default web site essentially the same as your saleslogix web site.

Snow Monkey
Posts: 214
Re: Web Client Implementation - Help with External AccessYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 18 Apr 07 3:44 PM
Why are you referencing your sql server address for getting to slx from outside? Is the web server and db server on the same machine?You should type in the external ip address of your web server and NOT an IP address of an internal SQL server.

Anyways ...
Is your internal address working? meaning http://internalsite:3333/scripts/slxweb.dll/home ?? If so , go to the IIS properties and shut down the default site which is running on port 80. The site you wants runs on 3333 and NOT 80

If db is installed on another machine in your company LAN , then open up the required ports(1706 for slx server , 1433 for dbaccess and all other ports for other types of access) in your Internal Firewall and then your good to go.

Once slx is up and running from inside , then ask your ssy admins to create a new external firewall rule to allow inbound 3333 access to this site in their dmz(http://externalip:3333/scripts/slxweb.dll/home)

and try the same external ip of this server and it should work!
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