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 Author  Thread: Bug/Work around
Jeff Ballard
Posts: 326
Bug/Work aroundYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 07 May 07 4:38 PM
I've discovered (well, the customer actually) has discovered a bug in the query builder functionality in the web client, version 6.2.6. If you add a field such as "createdate" to the advanced lookup and then "Save this lookup as a group", you'll get an error because it puts double slashes in the "value" field for the date, i.e. "5//7//2007". I've found a workaround for it, though.

In the ASPScripts folder, there's a .NET page "QueryBuilderMain.aspx". Find the function "addDataToConditionGrid". In the else part for the if statement below the "//.value" comment, add this:

conditionObj.value = conditionObj.value.replace(/\/\//g, "/");

So, the whole "if" statement should like like this:

if ((conditionObj.value == '') || (conditionObj.value == 'NULL')) {
row.cells(5).innerText = ' ';
} else {
conditionObj.value = conditionObj.value.replace(/\/\//g, "/");
row.cells(5).innerText = conditionObj.value;

The only caveat is that this will strip out *any* double slash and replace it with a single slash. So, if your users might actually ever search for two forward slashes, then don't' do this.

In theory, to get the data type, there's an XML object that will have the fieldtype which will tell you what data type it is, but the fieldtype attribute isn't getting populated. I've found that on con_conmpl there is a hidden field at the bottom called "conditions" which has the conditions in it. I'm not sure why the group builder (QueryBuilderMain.aspx) isn't using that, but it doesn't. It's using the groupXML variable on the JS file groupmanager.js, which I would think should get the field type, but it doesn't. I know there's a way to get and use the data type before I do the replace, but since the customer doesn't want to pay for me to investigate that and states they won't be searching for a "//" (hope they don't ever want to add a lookup on URL), I'm moving on with the code as is.

Maybe this will help someone somewhere down the road or it'll get fixed (if it's not already fixed in 7.x).

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