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 Author  Thread: Widening "Account" column on Account list view page
Kent Matthew
Posts: 33
Widening "Account" column on Account list view pageYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 08 May 06 3:32 PM

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I really like the fact that the user can dynamically alter the column widths on the account list view data grid. However, my users want to increase the default width of the "Account" column so that they can see more of the text of the account name without having to adjust it every time.

This is about the simplest change I can imagine. I've looked in the HTML code, stylesheets, and JavaScript, but unfortunately, I can't figure out how to do it.

I wish I had more intelligent and challenging questions to ask in this forum, but this is all I got! Is there a reference book for the SalesLogix web client that I could buy? Everyone has been very helpful, but I don't want to drag this forum down with my elementary questions.

Thank you!
- Kent Matthew
Duncan Cook
Posts: 164
Re: Widening "Account" column on Account list view pageYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 09 May 06 10:18 AM
Hi Kent
You can only do this when the users search, as the groups are controlled via architect.... In the query go to layout and then select the account field, then add the tag TITLEWIDTH and set to the size you want ie 200px.
Once you've done that flush the web client and then log out and close all your internet browsers. (You have to do this due to the way the behaviours work)
When you log in the account column will be the size you set.

Timmus Agersea
Posts: 328
Re: Widening "Account" column on Account list view pageYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 09 May 06 12:08 PM
Duncan, if you log into the web client as Admin you can change all group definitions, including the column width. If the user created the group, they can change it themself. Select the group in question from the group drop down | Group Options | Modify Group.

Kent, Duncan is correct that you need to set the TITLEWIDTH attribute when it comes to searches and datagrids in tabs (such as the Contacts tab underneath the Account Detail). These datagrids are generated by SalesLogix Web Queries.

Launch the SalesLogix Web Manager and you will see on the left nav bar "Queries". For the standard contact search, the query is con_con. Edit the query and you will want to go to the layout tab. There is a drop down in the top right. Select the column you want to change. You will then select the TITLEWIDTH item from the Markup list if it exists. After you modify the value, hit the set button. If it does not exist, type in TITLEWIDTH as the markup and then your value. Hit the set button. Then follow Duncan's steps for refreshing the system.

Duncan Cook
Posts: 164
Re: Widening "Account" column on Account list view pageYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 09 May 06 2:47 PM

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Thanks for the info Timmus.
Only thing I've found since 6.2.3+, is the web client sets all the columns to the same width, no matter what you define the column width to be.
Are you seeing the same behaviour?

Timmus Agersea
Posts: 328
Re: Widening "Account" column on Account list view pageYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 09 May 06 3:34 PM

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You are correct, Duncan. With 6.2.3 some of the activeX controls were replaced with ASP.Net. While this is a good thing, it appears there may be a defect where the output of the group is not adhering to the column width settings. I'll try to track down whether it is a known defect or not.

Thank you for the info!

Jeff Ballard
Posts: 326
Re: Widening "Account" column on Account list view pageYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 15 May 06 11:00 AM

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In 6.2.3, you can change the column widths by taking advantage of the datagrid behavior in the datagrid.htc file (it's in the folder "behaviors" beneath the javascript folder). There is a function called "resizeColTo(iNum,iWidth)".

What I usually do is in web manager, on the "layout" tab, put a markup of "ONRENDERCOMPLETE" and for the value put "setupGrid(this)". Then, on the template the grid shows on, I put a JS function called "setupGrid(dg)" and set the widths like so:

function setupGrid(dg) {
dg.resizeColTo(0, 100);
dg.resizeColTo(1, 150);

You could also do so by calling a similar function on the body load statement, but you have to then hardcode the reference to the datagrid (i.e., document.mainform.datagridname...). By putting it on the query object and using the 'this' reference, you can pass in the current datagrid. That way, if the grid is used on more than one template, you only have to add the setupGrid JS code to the template...the call to resize the grid is a part of the query object. Of course, is some situations, that could be a drawback.

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