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 Author  Thread: App Archritect Randomly deletes data
Posts: 29
App Archritect Randomly deletes dataYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 03 Jun 08 4:33 PM
I was going to start this with "Please tell me I'm not crazy", but I know I'm not crazy. We're on 7.2.2 and my co-workers and I have been developing with the App Architect for the better half of the past year, but it hasn't been the better half of my year for sure.

We've added a lot of customizations and they will work for several weeks. All of a sudden, entire entity stops working, or some customization stops working, or a smart part. It is very random.

Now, when we finally discover what it was that caused the customization to stop working, we'll find that it is a very obscure attribute within an obscure collection that was somehow deleted. This is where I swear that myself and my brother (the only two people that have access and know-how) did not erase this attribute.

For example, the Entity Type attribute in the "Configure SmartPart" button dialog from a custom page was completely erased one day. Mind you this was not at the beginning of the day, but in the middle between deployments. We had finished working on that Page several days prior, and had released it for testing, so it definitely worked.

Anyone having similar problems with fields changing themselves to NULL values or just deleting themselves?

I'm at my wits end with SalesLogix 7.2, but our company has decided to go with 7.2 Web Client only - no LAN clients, so we're stuck with buggy software from Sage. As an experienced .NET web developer, I'm disgusted with the quality of code produced by Sage, be it .NET, javascript, or general web css/layout.
Nick Hollis
Posts: 549
Top 10 forum poster: 549 posts
Re: App Archritect Randomly deletes dataYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 04 Jun 08 3:04 AM
I have also been the victim of some random deletes - I once spent about 4 hours writing a C# Snippet, only to discover half of it had been deleted, and half replaced with some spurious characters. This is not the end of the world though, as I take regular backups of the VirtualFileSystem table, and the deployment directory, so I know I can always get the snippet back.

Another, more major, issue that I had on a similar line was one day I logged into the system, and got a spurious XML error - Root Element is Missing. No tabs loaded - they all had this same error. It turns out AA had somehow deleted all the contents of ones of my QuickForms .ResX file - but this seems to break the whole entity, not just the tab. This may help someone in the future perhaps....

What I absolutely recommend is at least keeping the previous 2 virtualfilesystem tables, back them up either every day or before you make ANY changes. I admit it is a pain, but not as much of a pain as losing code integrity. This way if you do have a problem like you have described, just restore the backed up VirtualFileSystem table, do a CTRL+BUILD and deploy, and youre back to a working environment.

As an aside though, 7.2.2 is a MAJOR improvement in stability on the 7.2.0 product. More improvements will be coming soon with the next service pack. It is a complex product and quite young, in Sage's defence
Jeremy Brayton
Posts: 491
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Re: App Archritect Randomly deletes dataYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 04 Jun 08 10:02 AM
SalesLogix has had these types of problems on the LAN side before, so it wouldn't surprise me. It usually has to do with the way it decodes the runtime bits to the BLOB data it stores in the table. It could be missing sections or outright missing the entire thing. Reports used to be plagued by something like this. Any time you made a change you had to save it as a new report because the BLOB wasn't updating correctly.

Nick, are you saying you're on 7.2.2 and you have to do your virtualfilesystem table backup there too? That's kind of disturbing but it's better than the alternative of losing data. Filed a bug report? Sometimes I wish SalesLogix had a version of Microsoft's connect.microsoft.com bug reporting system. I doubt they'd want the world to know which bugs they're turning down for whatever reason though . Sage is too VAR oriented to possibly ever contemplate such an idea yet MS CRM is on connect and MS has a little more to lose with it's lack of market penetration.

I sure hope it'd be fixed by 7.5 at least and possibly backported to 7.2 SP3 because that's a "show stopper" to me, especially considering there's no official documentation saying "Hey there's a bug, backup your crap until we figure it out. Sometime". It's a very serious bug, one that causes people to not use products. People wouldn't use Word if every 5th document they saved had garbled text or entire sections missing, yet this is acceptable? The bug may be entirely random with no seeming cause as to when or why it happens but that's really no excuse. If you're the only two people running into it and neither one of you reported it to your BP/Sage then it'd be slightly more excusable. All I can say is thank god I haven't started my web deployment because now I can delay it for a legit reason. Being lazy isn't exactly acceptable practice where I work
Nick Hollis
Posts: 549
Top 10 forum poster: 549 posts
Re: App Archritect Randomly deletes dataYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 04 Jun 08 10:38 AM
I have only one occurrence on 7.2.2, my issues have mainly been on 7.2.1 and 7.2.0 - but that said I have done less dev in 7.2.2 as we have more customers on the previous two versions. Its force of habit now I guess - but a good one, as there is no versioning so rolling back a major change you didnt really want to make is nigh on impossible without backing up the VFS table.

I havent bothered to log with Sage UK as it is very difficult to get them to take anything seriously unless you have the old "replication steps". As the problem is so intermittent I do not have confidence in them taking my bug too seriously, as its impossible to get the replication steps!! I agree all of us would benefit greatly from a Microsoft style bug logging service
Posts: 71
Re: App Archritect Randomly deletes dataYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 05 Jun 08 7:47 AM
We've definitely logged the numerous bugs we've found with Sage. But like the above poster said - it seems difficult to get them to take us seriously at times.

We have done all our development in 7.2.2 because they claimed it was world's ahead of 7.2 and 7.2.1 - well world's ahead is still abysmal in some areas in my mind. We just had to put the breaks on since the reporting component won't even print for us now!
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