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 Author  Thread: set up Legacy Web tabs and pages to work with v7.2.2 Web
Posts: 1
set up Legacy Web tabs and pages to work with v7.2.2 WebYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 05 Jun 08 5:37 AM
Objective: We are trying to achieve two things:
- activate legacy slx web 6.2.4 forms in the 7.2.2 web
- activate legacy ASP pages in the 7.2.2 web

Anyone experience with this ? The install procedure doesn't seem to be working for us...

According to step 20 of the installation manuel of SalesLogix 7.2.2 web it is possible to set up legacy web tabs and pages to work with v7.2.2:

20 You can use your customized Legacy tabs and pages with v7.2.

Task 20 Details

You can use your custom Legacy Web pages and tabs with your Sage SalesLogix v7.2 Web sites.
This saves you the time it would take to recreate new custom Web pages and tabs. Use these steps
to prepare your Sage SalesLogix database, and to view custom Legacy tabs and pages with v7.2.
Nick Hollis
Posts: 549
Top 10 forum poster: 549 posts
Re: set up Legacy Web tabs and pages to work with v7.2.2 WebYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 05 Jun 08 8:07 AM
Its news to me if you can activate legacy web tabs in 7.2. There just isnt the ability to do this that I know of. I think it means you can host a legacy web site in the 7.2 database, but the web pages are still totally separate.

Legacy asp pages will be a problem unless you know of an easy way to convert them into .ascx's (.NET controls). There may a be a wrapper out there somebody knows of??
Jeff Ballard
Posts: 326
Re: set up Legacy Web tabs and pages to work with v7.2.2 WebYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 05 Jun 08 10:15 AM
Given that I know almost nothing of how 7.2 works, I would think it's conceptually possible if you can capture the tab click event on 7.2 and redirect what gets loaded. That would mean you'd need some sort of DOM reference to load the URL in (I don't know how 7.2 is structred HTML wise) such as a div, frame, iframe, etc.

That would also mean you'd have to have a virtual directory somewhere with the web DLL and necessary content installed (the DLL & other components), but I can't see why if you can intercept the tab click you can't redirect it through the old school slxweb.dll. You might also have to make some mods to the old school content, such as links & that sort of thing. An old school link would definitely break if it does pretty much anything (like going to a detail view).

I'd think the same would hold true with the classic ASP pages - it's possible but might take some work.

But again, I don't know much of 7.2, so I may be way off base. Even if it's possible, I have to think it'd be somewhat easier & more standard to rebuild in AA/.NET.

Nick Hollis
Posts: 549
Top 10 forum poster: 549 posts
Re: set up Legacy Web tabs and pages to work with v7.2.2 WebYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 05 Jun 08 10:28 AM
Redirecting what gets loaded would be a nightmare - its all AJAX divs in 7.2, no framesets so you cant just set the frame src anymore (I miss that from legacy web )

You could theoretically use an iframe but wouldnt the slxweb.dll get a bit moody about authentication? ASP pages could work in an iframe without too much problem (I can see) though, although the AJAX JScript can be a bit particular with what it expects on a page.

Definitely agree with the last point - rebuilding in AA/.NET is deifnitely the way to go!!
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