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 Author  Thread: 7.2.2 error "cannot resolve Property X of entity Y
Bruce Randolph
Posts: 10
7.2.2 error "cannot resolve Property X of entity YYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 17 Jun 08 11:02 AM
I updated a 7.2 system to 7.2.2 and added the web host. Slx runs correctly, but one of my forms does not.
I built a form under the opportunity entity that will display all the quotes on the opp, and linked it to a custom table that holds the quote Info. I added the form as a smart part on the OpportunityDetails page, and set the mode to TabControl and set it to show on the detail page.

When I try to access the OpportunityDetail page, I get the following Error: "could not resolve Property : CequoteID of: sage.SalesLogix.entities.CeQuote"

on several occasions, I have been able to run the page, but no qutoe data shows up. I have also had the experience where adding a column to the form or changing the form in any way after it is saved auses an "Object reference not set to an instance of an object' error.

I developed the original form and successfully used it in 7.2.0 and 7.2.1. it seems not to like 7.2.2 at all.

Anybody have any ideas what might be the problem? It is possible taht I installed something incorrectly. sage's instructions for upgrading to the web version and to SP2 are not exactly clear. I just need to figure out what is happening and fix it.

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