I'm a .NET Developer and I have been building .NET websites most of my career. I've also been developing for SLX LAN Client for a few years. My team has been tasked with moving our business from LAN client 8.3 to WEB client 8.3. Please bear in mind we have a lot of bespoke functionality.
Having played around with Application Architect I wondered if it was possible to only use Visual Studio instead. In the end, we have a working prototype and our intention is to replace any native smart parts with our own without touching the native code. (Maybe one or two lines in webconfig and master pages)
Here the basic steps we took:
1. Deploy native SLX8.3 web client to IIS 2. Take copy of websites (ProcessHost, SLXClient, SData and SLXMobile) and add to VS solution 3. Add custom project (using modules) and add assembly to support files/bin 3.1 Add provider for assembly virtual path 4. Redeploy through Visual Studio Web Deploy or after CI using msdeploy
So, my questions to the community are:
1. Can anyone see an issue with this approach? 2. Has anyone tried this approach? Was it a success or failure? 3. Is there anything special that App Architect can do, that Visual Studio cannot?
Regards, Earle