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 Author  Thread: SalesLogix Agent functionality
Posts: 4
SalesLogix Agent functionality Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 31 Aug 07 1:18 AM
Hi All,

Can anybody tell me, how does SalesLogix Agent functionality works in the SalesLogix system. What all needs to be done to set up the Agent in the SalesLogix system?

Thanks in Advance.

Frank Chaffin
Posts: 475
Re: SalesLogix Agent functionality Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 31 Aug 07 7:53 AM
Agents are executed as part of the synchronication process. At the end of a sync cycle the SyncServer.exe program calls AgentQueue.exe which checks to see if there are any SLX Agents that should be run. If something need to be run AgentRunner.exe is called to run the scheduled Agent.

Agents a setup using the WorkGroup Administrator. Scripts, reports, and some other items can be run.

If you haven't already you may want to check out the help in the WorkGroup Administrator.
Posts: 4
Re: SalesLogix Agent functionality Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 03 Sep 07 12:35 AM
Hi Frank,

Thank you very much for ur valuable input.

Posts: 4
Re: SalesLogix Agent functionality Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 03 Sep 07 3:42 AM
Hi Frank,

I had gone through the help in the Administrator.
The saleslogix system had been upgraded from version 5.0 to version 6.2.
An agent had been created in the system for importing the details from a text file. But this is not working.
The import is happening when the import button on the client is selected manually.
Upon looking in the system, there is no SalesLogix Synchronization Server listed as one of the services.
Is this the problem? If yes, do we need to define the Synchronization Server service or are we missing anything else.


Bob (RJ)Ledger
Posts: 1103
Top 10 forum poster: 1103 posts
Re: SalesLogix Agent functionality Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 03 Sep 07 8:23 AM
Normally, Agents do not operate unless you have sync implemented and the sync server running.

However, there is a "trick" that's been used by several partners to use the agent as a "job processor/runner".
NOTE: You MUST have certain exe's available to do this:
AgentQueue.exe and Agentrunner.exe

Here's how to use the "Agent" to run scheduled jobs w/out the sync server:

The "Agent" jobs are normally run by the Sync Server. When a job is in setup in the "que" using the (WG)Admin and scheduled for a particular time, the sync server checks for "queued" agent jobs after a sync run. If there are any scheduled they are then launched. Now if one does not have a sync server setup (and if you have no remotes that would be true) it is possible to use the AgentRunner as a job scheduler. In order to do so, you need to know a little bit about how the "Agent" subsystem works.

Working forward:
Setup an Agent in the (WG)Admin:
Insert->Agent or RMB Add Agent
Fill in:
Name: some Unique name for this Agent
Select User (usually administrator)
Email (normal email addresses or list separated by the ; character)
Action: (ex: CRW-EMailReport-As-PDF)
Argument: Select the report you want to run/email
Description: (Optional but recommended - EX: Special agent)
NOTE: Do NOT select anything else - not even the Active checkbox or schedule
Click OK and Save
We need to know the ID of the agent - so locate it by:
WHERE NAME = 'some Unique name for this Agent'
At this point we have two choices as to how we proceed so I'll describe both:

Create a .CMD file and put the following in the file:
REM My Agentrunner
"C:\Program Files\SalesLogix\Agentrunner.exe" SalesLogixDbAlias AGENTID
SalesLogixDBAlias is the Alias for your SalesLogix db (EX:SalesLogix")
AGENTID is the ID of the AGENT Job (EX: Q6UJ9A001AJL)
Save the file in a location of your choice
Test the job by doing a Start-Run (-Browse to the cmd file) OK
- the job should run - if not, re-check your steps
Using the Windows Task Scheduler, Setup a Scheduled task to run the cmd file above

Create a file and name it "TheAgents.que" in the SalesLogix Program Directory (using Notepad or some other text editor) and put the following in the file:
Agentrunner SalesLogixDbAlias AGENTID
SalesLogixDBAlias is the Alias for your SalesLogix db (EX:SalesLogix")
AGENTID is the ID of the AGENT Job (EX: Q6UJ9A001AJL)
Save the file in a location of your choice
Test the job by doing a Start-Run (-Browse to AgentQueue.exe in the SalesLogix Directory) OK
- the job should run - if not, re-check your steps
Using the Windows Task Scheduler, Setup a Scheduled task to run the following:
"C:\Program Files\SalesLogix\AgentQueue.exe"

Either method will let you run multiple jobs.
Same Time (Sequentially): Add more lines to the .CMD file for additional jobs
Different Times: Create more .CMD file(s) for each job and setup Task Schedules
Same Time (Sequentially): Add more lines to the "TheAgents.que" file
Different Times: Not possible with this option.

Posts: 13
Re: SalesLogix Agent functionality Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 18 Mar 14 6:00 PM


I know this is an old thread, but I'm having issues with this. 

Agent script created and runs fine.  I've run via sync and your non-traditional method above, and everything runs as expected, but...  Running as suggested above, with either method, the issue is that the script ends, but AgentRunner continues to run and take up all the CPU on the server.

What do I need to do to make AgentRunner stop?  Besides Task Manager and End Process?!?!!

Thanks in advace for your help.


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