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 Author  Thread: SalesLogix Annoyance
John Gundrum
Posts: 632
Top 10 forum poster: 632 posts
SalesLogix AnnoyanceYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 22 Jan 09 6:18 AM
Is it me or does anyone else find the way shared groups are named and duplicated in version 7.2.x? The idea of it was annoying and still is when viewing lists of reports, but this makes it worse. I don't know how many support calls I've gotten asking which report to run. Urg. Now the problem has propagated to groups.

It's extremely annoying to have to muddle through all these extra group tabs across the board. It slows me down immensely having to read and re-read the same exact info. Being duplicated is one thing, but what makes this even more annoying is all this information about who shared it and to whom it was shared is shown. For example "Group Name (from Administrator (Pr), to: UserName, Other)". So if you shared a group to 10 different users there will be 10 additional group tabs in your list of contact groups for example.

Another annoyance is when in detail view for a group named like this the actual name of the group (what is most important) is hidden when you look at the reference that is on the top right. So instead of seeing the group name you'll see something like "dministrator (Pr), to: UserName, Other)".

Is there anyway to turn this useless feature off?

Thanks for listening - uh, reading!
John G.
Mike Spragg
Posts: 1226
Top 10 forum poster: 1226 posts
Re: SalesLogix AnnoyanceYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 23 Jan 09 3:11 AM
Hi John

Fortunately, no - it's not just you. Hot-Fix 21 addresses this issue for 7.2.2. The reason they did this is so that you could see ALL groups (even if they were the same name) that you have access to. Prior to this - if you add a group called "Mine" and shared it with someone who also had a group called "Mine" - which one is theirs ?

But, yes, it got too confusing so HF21 reverts it back !

John Gundrum
Posts: 632
Top 10 forum poster: 632 posts
Re: SalesLogix AnnoyanceYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 23 Jan 09 6:26 AM

Eh, I still don't see the use of seeing it all the time. You can see who owns it in Group Manager. Outside of making a new one, knowing the owner has never been necessary. Around here it's rare for any day-to-day non-admin user to want to create a new group - if they even know how to create one!

BTW: where do you get HF21??? I was only seeing to HF18.

John G.
Mike Spragg
Posts: 1226
Top 10 forum poster: 1226 posts
Re: SalesLogix AnnoyanceYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 23 Jan 09 6:34 AM
Well, yes, - but there had to be a method to the madness (although, frankly, I'm not sure what it was either!)
You can't get HF21 yet - not released, still in testing. It does, also, fix about 15 others things and is a roll-up of HF4 & 11 and there is a bundle to apply too - ones ** starred ** are the good ones !

1-60594 If you complete more than one activity simultaneously, the start times for the activities become the end times for the history items. This issue originally fixed in 7.2.2 Hot Fixes 4 and 11.
1-60595 You cannot edit default Admin groups. This issue originally fixed in 7.2.2 Hot Fixes 4 and 11.
1-60609 When loading groups, an error displays concerning a particular group, but no information is given to determine which group the error pertains to. This issue originally fixed in 7.2.2 Hot Fixes 4 and 11.
1-60675 In the Calendar week view, when you complete a timeless activity “as scheduled”,the completed activity displays on the day prior to when it was completed. This issue originally fixed in 7.2.2 Hot Fixes 4 and 11.
1-61073 The “Contact Not Found” dialog box displays behind the Sage SalesLogix Client in certain scenarios. This issue originally fixed in 7.2.2 Hot Fixes 4 and 11.
1-61321 When dragging a file over a tab header that accepts drag-and-drop, the tab where you are dropping the file should become the active tab. This issue originally fixed in 7.2.2 Hot Fixes 4 and 11.
1-63704 Scheduling an activity using the toolbar from the Account view does not generate a conflict warning when activities overlap. This issue originally fixed in 7.2.2 Hot Fix 11.
1-63961 Send SLX does not send double byte (Japanese) characters properly. This issue originally fixed in 7.2.2 Hot Fix 11.
1-64360 Oracle 9i - When fulfilling a literature request, the user receives the error message “ORA-00900: Invalid SQL Statement.” This issue originally fixed in 7.2.2 Hot Fix 11.
1-64464 The Notes/History 'preview' pane does not properly display multi-byte characters. This issue originally fixed in 7.2.2 Hot Fix 11.
1-64496 The Complete History dialog may display behind the Sage SalesLogix Sales Client when using SendSLX in certain scenarios. This issue originally fixed in 7.2.2 Hot Fix 11.
1-65121 Moving a contact from one owner to another generates an update statement instead of an insert statement.

1-66292 ** Groups show as many times as they are shared to teams the user has access to. **

1-66333 "There is no attachment to view" is returned when attempting to view an attachment associated to a history record on the Account.NotesHistory tab.
1-66442 Duration fields are missing from the Schedule Activity dialog.
1-66464 Save as group on lookup does not save records generated by custom lookup.
1-66751 ** Auto rollover of timeless activities when viewing when viewing another user’s calendar causes notification records to be created. **

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