Since upgrading the mailbox that is used in our 5 Exchange Link instances (each on their own server) we are being affected by the following error:
MSExchangeIS event 9646 - Mapi session "b46c526f-e3a4-4870-9ead-d4f133bafbc4: /o=Hills_Industries_Ltd/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=sysslxlink305" exceeded the maximum of 32 objects of type "session".
It appears that ExchangeLink is trying to concurrently open more folders than Exchange is willing to let it.
This was never an issue prior to upgrading Exchange.
Does anyone have any experience with this or suggestions re changes in the SalesLogix/ExchangeLink environment.
I understand there are some registry keys that we can edit in Exchange but I am unsure of the impact on our Exchange servers.