I was able to run the profiler and the below capture shows the result. It hangs on the one SQL statemtent for about 28 minutes before bringing up the activities.
Time Stamp SQL Type Parse(ms) Prepare(ms) Secure(ms) Execute(ms) GetRows(ms) Log(ms) Rows User ID Process ID Machine Cursor Client SQL
2015/08/07 13:41:04.934 USER 0.0783 0.0241 0.0016 2.3368 121.9587 0.0000 10292 dennis 2688 1. 0. 0.127 FORWARD ONLY SELECT NOTIFYID, FROMUSERID, TYPE, ACTIVITYID, NOTES, SENDDATE FROM USERNOTIFICATION WHERE ((USERNOTIFICATION.TYPE = 'Deleted') OR (USERNOTIFICATION.TYPE = 'Completed')) AND (TOUSERID = 'U6UJ9A00000Q')
Time Stamp SQL Type Parse(ms) Prepare(ms) Secure(ms) Execute(ms) GetRows(ms) Log(ms) Rows User ID Process ID Machine Cursor Client SQL 2015/08/07 14:04:58.022 USER 0.0725 0.0237 0.0022 7.4137 0.0099 0.0000 0 dennis 2688 1. 0. 0.127 FORWARD ONLY SELECT A1.ACTIVITYID, A1.LONGNOTES FROM ACTIVITY A1 WHERE (A1.ACTIVITYID='QTJZOA2002KP')