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 Author  Thread: SQL Server Replication, Part 2
Jeff Weight
Posts: 219
SQL Server Replication, Part 2Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 06 Dec 07 3:08 PM
A while back I posted about SQL Server Replication and asked if anyone has been able to do this with SalesLogix, and I pretty much got a response that went something like this, "No, but we would love to hear how it goes!"

Since then I have read a few online MSDN documents, made some phone calls, and even tried putting this off, but none of this has really helped me... Sage's Professional Services Group hasn't even dealt with replication, and based on what I told them about it, they said it wouldn't be doable.

From reading documentation, I've figured out that there would possibly be three viable options for Replication: Merge Replication, Peer-To-Peer Transactional Replication, and Updatable Subscriptions for Transactional Replication.

The story on Updatable Subscriptions for Transactional Replication: Looked good until I found out that subscription databases (my remote databases) can't do inserts or updates to columns with the type of text - and there goes creating notes. Since adding notes is the number one priority for one of the remote databases, this was a no-go.

The story on Peer-To-Peer Transactional Replication: Looked good until I saw that it's not available unless you have SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition, which is $25k per server, and that's a bit out of budget... And I never got to even see if the same text field limitation exists as with the Updatable Subscriptions for Transactional Replication.

The story on Merge Replication: Supposedly the best type of replication for our needs - and it is the best for conflict resolution and dealing with remote databases that are only online at certain times (although Updatable Subscriptions can handle queued replication as well). I decided to REALLY investigate this one, but then found that with this type of replication, you cannot add new fields unless you add them through a stored procedure that is meant to handle the replication - in other words no schema maintenance through the Database Manager in SalesLogix. When I called Sage PSG, they said that was definitely a show-stopper.

An of course, each type of replication also must add new fields to each table you want to replicate - which is also not added through the Database Manager. I did find, though, that this didn't seem to cause any problems (I tested on a dev database). It's still funny business nevertheless.

Now, with all of this, I'm about the throw in the towel and give in to another remote office (various reasons why we would have preferred replication). However, it seems like various people have posted at times that they have seen replication working on a SalesLogix database, and even the documentation for upgrades and such mention temporarily halting replication if you have it going on your database.

So, I decided to ask everyone again, just in case things have changed or I missed someone, if anyone has dealt with replication on a SalesLogix database, or have even seen it working on a SalesLogix database successfully. If so, what kind of replication did you or they use? It seems funny that Sage PSG has never dealt with Replication nor even considered it, even though it is mentioned in some of the documentation.

Anyone? Anyone?
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