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 Author  Thread: Changing the sysdba password
Eric Hobbs
Posts: 28
Changing the sysdba passwordYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 24 Jan 07 10:39 AM

Has anyone ever come across the need to change the password for the sysdba account to something more secure than the ubiquitous "masterkey". Our DBA's are demanding that all SQL logins have a complex password consisting of alphanumeric, case changes and special characters. My question is, has anyone come across any issues with SalesLogix after changing the sysdba password? We are running 6.2 Service Pack 3. My users access exclusively via the web client, and the backend is SQL 2000 SP4.

Thanks in advance.
Timmus Agersea
Posts: 328
Re: Changing the sysdba passwordYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 24 Jan 07 12:05 PM
Honestly, this is great to hear. NO implementation should have masterkey as the password, not even development environments.

Assuming the web client is the only application hitting the database, you simply need to update the SalesLogix Connection definition.

If other applications are connecting with the sysdba login they will need to be updated as well. If they are using the SalesLogix OLEDB connection they will not require an update. Unless of course you are chaging the SalesLogix user passwords as well.

Sarah Peterson
Posts: 37
Re: Changing the sysdba passwordYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 01 Oct 07 4:25 PM
This is kind of funny to me. I am researching doing the same thing...changing the sysdba password. However, when we first purchased SLX, I asked about doing this and it was recommended that we didn't make that change....so we dropped the issue. However, due to all of the security requirements from our corporate office that we are implementing, this issue came up again. So, I have started my research all over and have now come across this posting!! It makes me laugh...frustrated but funny!

I do have a question regarding the remotes that wasn't quite clear to me. Will this mean that new databases will need to be cut? I wasn't sure if that username and password are actually stored in the remote database as I know we use it to cut the database. Please advise....Thanks!
David Henry
Posts: 207
Re: Changing the sysdba passwordYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 09 Oct 07 7:56 AM

You will NOT need to re-cut remote databases if you change the sysdba password on the host.
Patricia Capuz
Posts: 49
Re: Changing the sysdba passwordYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 03 Jan 08 9:07 AM

Sorry... but when you refer to Host, you refer at the main database or remote office database's computers.

I need to change the sysdba password on main and remote offices. I did the change on both and syncronization started working wrong, so I reset the masterkey sysdba password.

Can tell me the procedure, step by step to change the sysdba password on main office and remotes???

I don´t Know, what I am doing wrong ???

Thanks for advance.
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