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SLX Servers Move![Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM](/images/forumimages/new.gif)
Posted: 06 Sep 06 2:07 PM
fiogf49gjkf0d We are planning on moving the SLX servers to a new server this weekend. We have already moved Synclogs and the Sync Server directory locations to the new server. We are left with moving the physical SalesLogix and SyncServer servers to the new server.
I think the moving of the servers themselves to be a relatively easy process. The 'annoyance' will be to update ALL of the clients to use the new server location. Does anyone know where the DSN or registry entries are the define the 'Log on to' database? I was thinking we could write a logon script that updates the appropriate files/registry entries with the new location. Has anyone tried this?
Also, one more question. Can I install and configure the new servers on the new box before forcing everyone off the old server?
Thanks, John G. |
Re: SLX Servers Move![Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM](/images/forumimages/new.gif)
Posted: 06 Sep 06 3:05 PM
fiogf49gjkf0d That depends.
If you use the same exact name for the boxes, you can literally just backup the database from the old server, restore it, run the sysdba SQL fix and off you go. You can even copy the contents of the old server's C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\SalesLogix path to the new location and retain practically everything, even the connection manager settings (stored in SlxOleDBConfig.dat). You may or may not have to simply save the existing connection to "relink" it to the new server. You also may or may not have to touch the syncservice profile to update the syncservice.cfg file.
If you are using a completely different name you can still perform the same actions above. You will most definitely have to modify the connection manager settings as well as the sync service profile to point to the new machine. If you retained the Application Data from the old server and kept the same names for your jobs then the monitor console can pick up right where the other server left off. Personally, I'd take the opportunity to archive the Sync\EventLogs folder since it doesn't self prune every X days like it can with the sync application. Under this method you will definitely have to modify client settings. Here would be a registry file you could use:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SalesLogix\ADOLogin\Connection1] "Alias"="SALESLOGIX" "Data Source"="NEWSERVER" "Initial Catalog"="SALESLOGIX"
You'd just need to change NEWSERVER and the alias/initial catalog entries if necessary. You can trim it down to just the data source entry if your alias isn't going to change, I just wanted to include it just in case you changed everything up.
Originally posted by John Gundrum
Can I install and configure the new servers on the new box before forcing everyone off the old server? |
That's how I'd do it, personally. Make sure everyone is logged off, backup the database one final time, take a snapshot of the latest SyncLogs and Documents and Settings folders, turn off all of the services on the machine then restore everything on the new server obliterating everything existing in the process. I keep services off on the new server during this process since I'm never sure that erasing and repopulating directories from under the provider is a good thing. |
Re: SLX Servers Move![Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM](/images/forumimages/new.gif)
Posted: 07 Sep 06 7:09 AM
fiogf49gjkf0d If you use the same exact name for the boxes, you can literally just backup the database from the old server, restore it, run the sysdba SQL fix and off you go. The database is on its own box seperate from the SalesLogix server and SyncServer. So we won't be going through a database move.
The box names are different. I had installed the SLX servers on the new box and tried creating new connections through the connection manager yesterday. But this didn't work. When I tried to save the new connection a warning appeared stating the database was going to be updated with the new connection informations and any users having the old connection information would not be able to access the database. So, needless to say, I cancelled out of this update. I'll have to wait for the weekend when no one is in the system to do the update.
As for updating clients with a login script... Our network guys were able to put together a script to do the update instead of having people manually do it. So that will take help alot.
Thanks, John G. |
Re: SLX Servers Move![Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM](/images/forumimages/new.gif)
Posted: 08 Sep 06 10:47 AM
fiogf49gjkf0d Originally posted by John Gundrum
The box names are different. I had installed the SLX servers on the new box and tried creating new connections through the connection manager yesterday. But this didn't work. When I tried to save the new connection a warning appeared stating the database was going to be updated with the new connection informations and any users having the old connection information would not be able to access the database. So, needless to say, I cancelled out of this update. I'll have to wait for the weekend when no one is in the system to do the update.
I believe that is due to updating pingserver in the systeminfo table. In 6.1 days this wasn't done for you so you could create a connection from multiple servers without affecting the database. Once the pingserver is changed to the new server (or the old server is invalidated for some reason), all connections cease to function properly and you get an error message. It's definitely good that you waited but it'll throw a "scramble and test" routine into the mix since you can't get the connection done sooner. |
Re: SLX Servers Move![Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM](/images/forumimages/new.gif)
Posted: 08 Sep 06 12:22 PM
fiogf49gjkf0d Yep, it'll be scramble and test. With the weekend I hope to have that taken care of (we gave the reps the weekend off ) |
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