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 Author  Thread: Sync Server Error
Rodrigo Ginyaume
Posts: 20
Sync Server ErrorYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 02 Feb 07 8:00 AM
Hello to all!
I run an agent in the sync ( a script that import data automatically ) and it shows an error like this: ...Variable Undefined: Application, at line...
The lines affedted are:
The script executed by the Click Event of a button in the Client works normally!

Could anybody help me? Thanks.

Frank Chaffin
Posts: 475
Re: Sync Server ErrorYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 02 Feb 07 8:27 AM
When a script is run from an Agent it is run in a special stripped down environment as a detached process. I have found that is is very fussy about syntax. When I debug a script I start small then build it up in steps until I find the problem area.

Check to make sure there a no message boxes. Also make sure all you variables are defined.

BTW, I used to have use complex scripts to do imports. I have converted them all to VB6 programs.
Posts: 25
Re: Sync Server ErrorYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 26 Feb 07 2:04 AM
Hi Rodrigo
what do you select in the action field by create an Agent?

Why my question is: I'll import too any data over the agent but it will not work.
I dont get any error messages. What I see in the syncLog-file is that the agent are started
but nothing happens in the database.

have you mor information about this?

Frank Kress
Rodrigo Ginyaume
Posts: 20
Re: Sync Server ErrorYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 26 Feb 07 8:06 AM
Hi Frank,
I had the following problem:
I don´t know exactly why but the sync didn´t recognize me some functions like Application.BasicFuntions.GetNewConnection, A.B.GetIdFor, etc so I had to make my own functions similar to these and it worked. That´s the way I solved it, creating a new ADODB connection and a function that receives a table and returns an ID. If you have the same problem and need some code, let me know.

Kind regards,
Ian Fitzpatrick
Posts: 146
Re: Sync Server ErrorYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 27 Aug 07 3:34 PM
I am facing the same problem and would be interested in some sample code, could you please post it here?

Thank you!
Rodrigo Ginyaume
Posts: 20
Re: Sync Server ErrorYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 30 Aug 07 12:28 PM
Instead of Application.GetNewConnection you can use:

Function GetAgentConnection
Dim SLXConnectionString

SLXConnectionString = "Provider=SalesLogix OLE DB Provider;Integrated Security=""""assword=USERPASSWORDersist Security Info=False;User ID=USERNAME;Initial Catalog=DATABASENAME;Data Source=SERVERNAME;Extended Properties=""PORT=1706;LOG=ON;CASEINSENSITIVEFIND=ON;"";Location="""";Mode=ReadWrite"

Set oConection = CreateObject ("ADODB.Connection")

oConection.ConnectionString = sConnectionString

Set GetAgentConnection = oConection
End Function

And Instead of Application.BasicFunctions.GetIDFor you can use:

Function ObtenerNuevoID (byVal tabla, byVal PrimerCaracterID)

Dim oConnection
Set oConnection = GetAgentConnection
Dim strSQL
Dim campo
Dim oRecordSet
Dim ID
Id =""
Dim caracteres(36)

campo = tabla & "ID"
strSQL = "Select " & campo & " From " & tabla & " where " _
& "createDate = (Select max(CreateDate) From " & tabla & ")"

OpenRecordSet oRecordSet, oConnection, strSQL

If not oRecordSet.EOF Then
Id = oRecordSet.Fields(0).Value
End If

If (Id = "") OR (isnull(Id)) Then
Id = PrimerCaracterId & "00000000000"
ObtenerNuevoId = Id
Exit Function
End If

Caracteres(1) = "0"
Caracteres(2) = "1"
Caracteres(3) = "2"
Caracteres(4) = "3"
Caracteres(5) = "4"
Caracteres(6) = "5"
Caracteres(7) = "6"
Caracteres(8) = "7"
Caracteres(9) = "8"
Caracteres(10) = "9"
Caracteres(11) = "A"
Caracteres(12) = "B"
Caracteres(13) = "C"
Caracteres(14) = "D"
Caracteres(15) = "E"
Caracteres(16) = "F"
Caracteres(17) = "G"
Caracteres(18) = "H"
Caracteres(19) = "I"
Caracteres(20) = "J"
Caracteres(21) = "K"
Caracteres(22) = "L"
Caracteres(23) = "M"
Caracteres(24) = "N"
Caracteres(25) = "O"
Caracteres(26) = "P"
Caracteres(27) = "Q"
Caracteres(28) = "R"
Caracteres(29) = "S"
Caracteres(30) = "T"
Caracteres(31) = "U"
Caracteres(32) = "V"
Caracteres(33) = "W"
Caracteres(34) = "X"
Caracteres(35) = "Y"
Caracteres(36) = "Z"

Dim Id2(12)
Dim i
Dim Salir

For i=1 to 12
Id2(i) = Mid (Id,i,1)
If Id2(12) <> "Z" Then
Salir = False
For i=1 to Ubound(Caracteres)
If Id2(12) = Caracteres(i) and Not (Salir) Then
Id2(12) = Caracteres(i+1)
Salir = True
End If
Salir = False

Dim y
For y = 11 to 2 Step -1
If Id2(y) <> "Z" Then
For i=1 to Ubound(Caracteres)
If Id2(y) = Caracteres(i) and Not(Salir) Then
Id2(y) = Caracteres(i+1)
Id2(y+1) = 0
Salir = True
End If
End If

End If

Id = ""
For i=1 to Ubound(Id2)
Id = Id & Id2(i)
ObtenerNuevoId = Id

End Function

You could improve this function by checking and updating the SITEKEYS table.

Bob (RJ)Ledger
Posts: 1103
Top 10 forum poster: 1103 posts
Re: Sync Server ErrorYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 03 Sep 07 8:37 AM
Originally posted by Rodrigo Ginyaume

Instead of Application.GetNewConnection you can use:

Function GetAgentConnection
Dim SLXConnectionString

SLXConnectionString = "Provider=SalesLogix OLE DB Provider;Integrated Security=""""assword=USERPASSWORDersist Security Info=False;User ID=USERNAME;Initial Catalog=DATABASENAME;Data Source=SERVERNAME;Extended Properties=""PORT=1706;LOG=ON;CASEINSENSITIVEFIND=ON;"";Location="""";Mode=ReadWrite"

Set oConection = CreateObject ("ADODB.Connection")

oConection.ConnectionString = sConnectionString

Set GetAgentConnection = oConection
End Function

And Instead of Application.BasicFunctions.GetIDFor you can use:


End Function

You could improve this function by checking and updating the SITEKEYS table.

Since you are creating a connection via the provider I'd highly recommend you call the special SalesLogix procedure "slx_DBIDS" and not try to make up your own. It's very dangerous to mess w/SITEKEYS.

EX: (Not tested.. but should work)

Function CreateIDFor(strTableName)
Dim cnnSLX
Dim rstDBID
Dim strRecordID

strRecordID = ""
Set cnnSLX = GetAgentConnection
Set rstDBID = cnnSLX.Execute("slx_DBIDs('" & strTableName & "',1)")
If Not rstDBID.EOF Then
strRecordID = rstDBID.Fields(0)
End If
Set rstDBID = Nothing
Set cnnSLX = Nothing

CreateIDFor = strRecordID
End Function

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