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 Author  Thread: Can we have 2 groups of people syncing at different time intervals using one sync server license.
Khevna Mehta
Posts: 34
Can we have 2 groups of people syncing at different time intervals using one sync server license.Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 22 Jan 07 8:26 AM
We have on 1 sync server license. The customer service and the Sales people sync using this server. I want the Sales people to sync every 2 hours and the customer service users to sync every 10 minutes. Is this possible? If so Do I need another sync server license to achive this?
Jeremy Brayton
Posts: 491
Top 10 forum poster: 491 posts
Re: Can we have 2 groups of people syncing at different time intervals using one sync server license.Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 22 Jan 07 10:00 AM
A sync server license is for the server itself. If you needed a new server then you'd need a new license. To setup multiple sync schedules you do NOT need a new server.

Clients can synchronize at any time. The key is setting up the server so that it feeds new information to both sets. Because 10 minutes is less than 2 hours, if you set a sync schedule for every 10 minutes then you give new information to the customer service people, but as a side effect new information is sent in batches and will collect until the sales people sync.

There is only one drawback to your request. Synchronizing every 10 minutes may be too frequent. This is a double-edged sword because as you up the frequency you generally drop the time it takes to process a sync. Another variable in the equation is that for every remote, a sync cycle takes x amount of time to process. The more remotes you have, the longer things will take, generally regardless of frequency. You are processing all of the changes that has happened within the last x minutes and depending on the information you're sending it out, you may have jobs overlapping which is usually a very bad thing.

The best thing you can do in this situation is test. It's difficult to recreate an entire sync environment on testing equipment so the next best thing is to set a higher frequency then check the logs to determine roughly how long a typical sync takes to process. Then you can tweak your frequency a bit but you also have to be wary of an ocassional sync taking longer to process than normal, so it's a good idea to be liberal with your schedule.

As an example I have a sync schedule of every 30 minutes starting at the :15 and :45 after every hour. If a remote needs immediate information from the host, they just have to wait until after :15 or :45 to sync and they'll get it. I could probably up the frequency but that's only because we have 4 remotes and heavy loads are rare.
Khevna Mehta
Posts: 34
Re: Can we have 2 groups of people syncing at different time intervals using one sync server license.Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 23 Jan 07 7:22 AM
Thanks for your reply. may be i didn't state my question properly.

We have over 56+ remotes. Only 5 of these remotes are customer service people. I want that the sync server cycles every 10 minutes and creates files for only these 5 remotes.

I do also want that every 1 hour the sync server creates files for all the sales remotes.

Can we have the sync server sync to generate files for different groups of remotes at different time interval.
Jeremy Brayton
Posts: 491
Top 10 forum poster: 491 posts
Re: Can we have 2 groups of people syncing at different time intervals using one sync server license.Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 23 Jan 07 9:21 AM
Sync servers process all remotes that are linked to it. If you set the sync server to run every 10 minutes, files for all remotes will queue until they sync and get them.

Scenario 1: Sync server set to sync once every hour at :00. What if the sales person's autosync started at 7:45? The remote would have changes up until 7:00 and their next auto-sync (if once per hour) would run again at 8:45. A customer service rep starting at the same time would have the same, even though auto-sync is set for every 10 minutes.
Scenario 2: Sync server set to sync every 10 minutes. Same auto-sync configuration would get the changes up until 7:40. They would have the changes closest to their sync time. Customer service reps would have the changes up until 7:40 as well.

Typically multiple sync servers are introduced purely for capacity reasons. After a certain number of remotes, the one server gets overloaded trying to process it all in a reasonable timeframe. You can purchase a separate sync server license, which may be the only way to segregate the users like you want, but 5 users may not justify the pricetag. I don't believe you can run 2 sync servers from the same machine, so there may be a cost introduced there as well.

If your sync server can handle processing 56+ remotes in under 2-5 minutes when set to synchronize every 10, there's really no need to purchase a separate license. If it took 8:59, then it would be worth it to break things up.
Frank Chaffin
Posts: 475
Re: Can we have 2 groups of people syncing at different time intervals using one sync server license.Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 23 Jan 07 12:58 PM
Originally posted by Khevna Mehta

Can we have the sync server sync to generate files for different groups of remotes at different time interval.

Yes but it will require a second syncserver license.

After you install the second license, you will need to setup a separate schedule for the 2nd sync site then assign users to the appropriate site.
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