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 Administration Forums - Mobile/PDA/Handhelds
Forum to discuss use of SalesLogix with mobile devices including SalesLogix mobile and other mobile solutions. View the code of conduct for posting guidelines.
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SLX Mobile Ticket list - A server error occurred while requesting dataambuenaventura0227426 Oct 15 7:31 AM
Extending Mobile.SalesLogix.Views.LoginBen4225917 Oct 14 7:59 AM
SalesLogix Mobile bundle (v7.5.4) not workingChris Burriss4299613 Jan 14 4:58 AM
Need to add a folder to the SlxMobile deploymentMarcos Orfila6257427 May 13 10:42 AM
Marcos Orfila 
Looking for a hyperlink that will open slxmobile using a particular contactidBrian Kempe3201528 Oct 11 1:06 PM
Raul A. Chavez 
SLX Mobile 2011 R1 The request was aborted - Blackberry 9330 6.0Chad Morton1362508 Jul 11 6:08 PM
Andy Freeman 
Not Able to start SalesLogix Mobile Connector Service Karna Taneja1284504 Apr 11 1:08 AM
Karna Taneja 
Processing message from client to server failed - Invalid map actionLCF2191129 Mar 11 4:16 AM
THE New SLX Mobile Opportunity BUG!!John Paul Welther3259818 Mar 11 8:12 PM
RJ Samp 
iPhone App - Create/Complete ActivitiesChris Burriss2319019 Feb 11 3:18 PM
RJ Samp 
Blackberry - build errorPhil Parkin0234602 Sep 10 4:13 AM
Phil Parkin 
SalesLogix Iphone appTim Sonberg3339811 Aug 10 4:43 PM
Marc Murphy 
Error on buildingGary Jeffery1246416 Jul 10 5:21 AM
Gary Jeffery 
v7.5.2 - SLX Mobile on Windows 2008?Jim Mizia0247404 May 10 10:32 AM
Jim Mizia 
Intellisync ErrorKevin McGohan3265819 Apr 10 3:31 PM
Kevin McGohan 
Blackberry Enterprise Server Express, version 5.0.1Chris Burriss0240217 Mar 10 3:51 PM
Chris Burriss 
Action itemMCordero0232904 Mar 10 4:37 PM
Install 5.6 ErrorTed Sturr0238324 Feb 10 9:45 AM
Ted Sturr 
Filtered Grids on BB Client (5.6)Raul A. Chavez0229118 Feb 10 9:57 AM
Raul A. Chavez 
Duplicating ActivitiesChris Burriss1220717 Feb 10 11:50 AM
Chris Burriss 
KeyPress HelpWilliam Vespe0257624 Nov 09 9:48 AM
William Vespe 
Procedures to upgrade from saleslogix mobile 5.1 to 5.6Derek0236004 Nov 09 1:14 AM
SalesLogix Mobile 5.5 and SalesLogix 6.2Derek1232921 Oct 09 7:29 AM
Mark Dykun 
Mobile Architect 5.5Michael Rogers1234030 Sep 09 4:58 PM
Michael Rogers 
Supported Blackberry Devices on Saleslogix Mobile 5.1virtam0223312 Aug 09 1:02 PM
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