This is for Blackberry mobile v5.1 (and we are using web v7.5). We are experiencing error messages for one person - such as below. I don't know what the user is doing yet - but I have to fix it. Can anyone tell me why the error message is being generated and/or how to fix it?
This is an automated e-mail generated by SalesLogix Mobile Enterprise Server. An event occurred at 4/25/2009 11:57 AM . Description: 11:57 AM,Error,Sync Runtime,,,Error in executing client to server table sync action :Error executing OleDB statement from OleStatementBuilder (insert into history (priority,result,completeddate,opportunityid,contactid,activityid,timeless,type,duration,userid,accountname,description,contactname,recurring,modifyuser,accountid,category,modifydate,username,createuser,completeduser,startdate,historyid,createdate,longnotes,opportunityname,originaldate,notes) values (null,null,'2009-04-25T16:50:00',null,null,null,'T',262148,0,'U6UJ9A00000E','Corporate Express Business Interiors, a Staples Company','derek majors reports liberty shool awarded al jones working on lees summit sd',null,null,'U6UJ9A00000E','A6UJ9A0004IX',null,'2009-04-25T16:52:33','Gary Suse','U6UJ9A00000E','U6UJ9A00000E','2009-04-25T00:00:05','hGS02Z00006D','2009-04-25T16:52:33',null,null,'2009-04-25T00:00:05',null)) - The statement has been terminated. : String or binary data would be truncated.
Thanks! Tammi