Thanks for trying that out - I appreciate you taking the time to test it. If I use dev tools and look at the script files, I can see my customizations in there - it hits breakpoints in the code. I even moved this bit of code into another working product and it still doesn't work. To rule out caching completely, I asked someone else who has never been to the mobile log in to check it out and still no luck.
Maybe it has to do with where/how/when I can calling the customization? Here is my entire ApplictionMobule:
define('Mobile/PIN/Base/ApplicationModule', [ 'dojo/_base/declare', 'dojo/_base/lang', 'dojo/string', 'dojo/query', 'Sage/Platform/Mobile/ApplicationModule' ], function( declare, lang, query, string ) { return declare('Mobile.PIN.Base.ApplicationModule', Sage.Platform.Mobile.ApplicationModule, {
init: function() { this.inherited(arguments); }, loadViews: function() { this.inherited(arguments);
}, loadCustomizations: function() { this.inherited(arguments);
// run our stuff this.registerCustomizations(); }, registerCustomizations: function() {
lang.extend(Mobile.SalesLogix.Views.Login, { userText: "login name", widgetTemplate: new Simplate([ '<div id="{%= $.id %}" title="{%: $.titleText %}" class="panel {%= $.cls %}" hideBackButton="true">', '<p class="logo"><img src="content/images/logo.png"></img></p>', '<div class="panel-content" data-dojo-attach-event="onkeypress: _onKeyPress" data-dojo-attach-point="contentNode"></div>', '<button class="button actionButton" data-action="authenticate"><span>{%: $.logOnText %}</span></button>', '<span class="copyright">{%= $.copyrightText %} CUSTOMIZATION</span>', '<span class="copyright">{%= App.getVersionInfo() %}</span>', '</div>' ]), userText: "login name2" /* this works */
} }); });
If it matters, I am on mobile version 3.0.4. |