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 Author  Thread: SalesLogix Mobile v4 for BlackBerry
David Nunnally
Posts: 206
SalesLogix Mobile v4 for BlackBerryYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 26 Jul 06 8:50 AM
My company is about to purchase a large number of BlackBerry units and I have been tasked to become a mobile expert. I have watched the Sage webcast and reviewed the material available. I have a quote for the advanced enterprise server with architect and 50 licenses to start with. I reviewed the BlackBerry architecture v4 and believe option 1 is best for us. But I would like some real world insight from you guys on what I am getting into. What hurdles should I expect. Is there much of a learning curve on the technology? Can the mobile connection server, web services, etc. be on a shared server or does it need to be on its on box (any conflicts with other services?). At present we have a SLX server running the service, db, and speadsearch. We have a syncserver running the sync process, scribe, live webclient site, test webclient site, development web client site, a home grown web site, and other various SLX related integration processes I wrote. And lastly we have a reporting server for the web client reports running crystal enterprise. Any insight would be warmly accepted!
Brian Griffith
Posts: 1
Re: SalesLogix Mobile v4 for BlackBerryYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 21 Sep 06 1:08 PM
I am also looking for any feedback in regards to SalesLogix's mobile platform. We are currently evaluating a mobile solutions, and we currently use SalesLogix, so it seems like a natural fit. However, I am curious about performance and what not with these devices as I've never had to deal with them handing this kind of data load before.

Any feedback, would be appreciated!
Kevin McGohan
Posts: 26
Re: SalesLogix Mobile v4 for BlackBerryYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 03 Apr 07 12:28 PM
This may not be timely, but I just found this site. We have been running SLX for about 4 years now. Version 6.2 about to upgrade to 7.0. I have SLX Mobile for 20 BlackBerry users and I would try and go for a Windows Mobile device if you possible can. If you know J# you may be ok, but the client customizations are not a piece of cake (for me at least). Some of the users like it, some dont use it. (Mostly the old school sales people). It is still a little clunky. Version 4.2(?) was horrible. It locked up all the time and sometimes made your phone usless. Version 4.5 is a major improvement. Like I said it's 50/50 the younger salesmen love it, the older ones dont. I really dont understand the use f it myself. All associate can access SLX via Terminal Server when they are at home, so I am not sure when they are using it. Is $15,000-$20,000 worth it to have a few phone numbers on your PDA worth the money? It seems the biggest thing they do is access phone numbers with it.

My 2 cents.
Kevin McGohan
Posts: 26
Re: SalesLogix Mobile v4 for BlackBerryYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 03 Apr 07 12:28 PM
This may not be timely, but I just found this site. We have been running SLX for about 4 years now. Version 6.2 about to upgrade to 7.0. I have SLX Mobile for 20 BlackBerry users and I would try and go for a Windows Mobile device if you possible can. If you know J# you may be ok, but the client customizations are not a piece of cake (for me at least). Some of the users like it, some dont use it. (Mostly the old school sales people). It is still a little clunky. Version 4.2(?) was horrible. It locked up all the time and sometimes made your phone usless. Version 4.5 is a major improvement. Like I said it's 50/50 the younger salesmen love it, the older ones dont. I really dont understand the use f it myself. All associate can access SLX via Terminal Server when they are at home, so I am not sure when they are using it. Is $15,000-$20,000 worth it to have a few phone numbers on your PDA worth the money? It seems the biggest thing they do is access phone numbers with it.

My 2 cents.
Michael Litman
Posts: 94
Re: SalesLogix Mobile v4 for BlackBerryYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 04 Apr 07 8:13 AM
Hey Kevin,

Can you tell me the $15,000 - $20,000 what is included in that (i.e. the phones, software implementation cost ect...)? and also is J# the only choice or can I use C#, VB or another .net language? Thanks for the info ML
Kevin McGohan
Posts: 26
Re: SalesLogix Mobile v4 for BlackBerryYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 04 Apr 07 8:25 AM
This is copied and pasted right from the invoice I received from my SLX consultant.

1 SalesLogix Mobile Advanced Enterprise Server 3,995.00 3,995.00T
20 SalesLogix for BlackBerry User 395.00 7,900.00T
1 Pro-rated Maintenance to 10/31/2007 1,365.48 1,365.48T
1 Pro-rated Support to 10/31/2007 1,365.48 1,365.48
1 Shipping 15.00 15.00
Ohio Sales Tax 7% 7.00% 928.23

TOTAL: $15,569.19

The only ongoing cost is maintance. The server is the server license, not the box. You will need to purchase a seperate server (SLX recomends a dedicated server of course) but my SLX Mobile server is also running my Remote Office sync. If you go BlackBerry you will also need a dedicated BesServer. Again, depending on your organization, nothing too fancy on the box. You will need to purchase seperatly devices and "air time" from a wireless carrier.
If you go with the BlackBerry, you are stuck with J#, SLX mobile for windows devices use .NET. I wanted to go with Windows Mobile devices, but I was overruled by management. After all, their corporate buddies all have a BlackBerry so we should too. What do I know about technology integration? Im just in IT, not sales.

Kevin McGohan
Posts: 26
Re: SalesLogix Mobile v4 for BlackBerryYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 04 Apr 07 8:35 AM
One more item. The implementaion cost was mimimal. It was mostly my time as a system admin and about 2 hours for my consultants for making me up a check list for installation. Any other questions I had was on Sage's dime. 4.2 was really bad..Lockups, missed calls, really screwed up the devices for a lot of people. 4.5 came out rather quickly after that and has been pretty smooth so far. I do have the devices creating duplicate meetings from time to time however and cant really track the cause of it. Really sporatic. Hope all this helps.
David Nunnally
Posts: 206
Re: SalesLogix Mobile v4 for BlackBerryYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 05 Apr 07 8:33 AM
All good info! We are still 'thinking' about it. We too would be an all BB shop. We have over 30 at present - management decision!!! Sales wants an alternative to carrying laptops to the customer sites. In the interum they all bought real small laptops to replace their BIG laptops. Definately easier in .NET than J# but I have to support vb versions 1-6, clearbasic, vbscript, c#, c++, java, etc., etc. etc. with all of our apps so I really don't care about that part as much. I am not an expert in any language but I know enough about each to fake it!!!

Thanks for the input!
Bob (RJ)Ledger
Posts: 1103
Top 10 forum poster: 1103 posts
Re: SalesLogix Mobile v4 for BlackBerryYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 07 Apr 07 7:34 AM
FYI: v5 mobile is going to be out in the May/Jun/July timeframe - support for "SmartPhones" will be included.

I strongly suggest you (all) take the training course in developing in Mobile.
Posts: 58
Re: SalesLogix Mobile v4 for BlackBerryYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 27 Jul 07 9:54 AM
We have had mobile for about two years now. It has taken that amount of time to get it to work. (patience and money)

While we believe this is a great tool, Sage still has a lot of work to do both in development and in tech support for this application. I would suggest you purchase a 5 user licence to start to minimize your upfront costs then once you can get that working, you can always add on.

Don't be fooled by how easy they say it is to customize or all of the ooohs and ahhhs from certain Sage people.
Posts: 58
Re: SalesLogix Mobile v4 for BlackBerryYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 27 Jul 07 9:56 AM
Read my reply to David Nunnally. Ask any questions you may have.
Posts: 58
Re: SalesLogix Mobile v4 for BlackBerryYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 27 Jul 07 10:06 AM
This quote sounds about right. The M&S always burns me up. Support for what, they don't even know how to support their own mobile application. (waist of money)

Anyway, no separate server required our runs on our SalesLogix server and not sure what you mean by dedicated BES.

We use Blackberry and although the Pc version looks better, I think overall it's best to go with BB. That appears to be the way Sage is gearing their product more towards probably because it's more popular. We also are restircted from Pc devices on the network because they can carry viruses.
Mark Dykun
Posts: 297
Re: SalesLogix Mobile v4 for BlackBerryYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 31 Jul 07 7:50 AM

From a developer and user standpoint there is definately **alot** more that you can do with the PPC version of the product. However business dictates the client that will be used and more times then not it directs to the BlackBerry. That said be prepared to write some Java code and definately be aware of the limitations of the client. From a support stand point I cannot agree more with Tom but I know that Scottsdale is working on getting their ducks in a row. If there are any questions that I can help with I would be happy to take a quick call. Just to give this some weight, I was the Director of Product Development and Chief Architect of the Mobile product over at Corum and Sage.

BTW the new slated release date for the mobile platform is Mid August (V5) 15th-ish I believe

Mark Dykun
VP of Mobililty and Integration Services, Castle CRM
(877) 273-5029
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