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Issue with slx 7.5 web version.
Posted: 03 Oct 09 6:07 AM
Hi Slx users ,
I upgraded my web version of Slx to 7.5.
When i do a lookup on account main screen, it dont pull out accounts and says 'No data loaded' but i am sure the Account exists in database.
When i do a lookup on Contact main screen, it pulls up contacts but it dont have a option or link to navigate through contacts and i couldn't get on to contact detail view screen.
I do ge an Error msg saying 'Invalid column:Mailing address' on contact screen. I dont have such Field on my Contact table.
Do i have re-install or upgrade the software?
If anybody come across these issue, please let me know the solution. 
Thanks in advance.
Re: Issue with slx 7.5 web version.
Posted: 03 Oct 09 9:58 AM
- Regarding your Account Lookups, run the SLX Profiler and check the query that is being generated. The Lookup screen depends on your Default group, but doesn't take its conditions. Never the less, the layout may still force Inner Joins into it. For instance, if my default group has an Inner Join to the Lead Source table and has the Lead Source Description field on the layout, whenever I do a lookup, that lookup will include that Inner Join, if my data doesn't have Lead Sources, I would get no data back. This is just one example of situations that may force you to get no data, you should run the profiler and see what query is being sent to the DB.
- Regarding your Contact List Views, on 7.x there is a new attribute for the Columns on the Layout tab (Entity Hyperlink). On legacy web, you had to design your field to be hyperlinks, on 7.x there are a subset of fields that are automatically set as Entity Hyperlinks, but if those fields are not on the Layout you have to edit your Group and check the checkbox on whichever field you would want to be an Entity Hyperlink.
- On the "Mailing Address" column, this is a somewhat known issue with the Calculated Fields. There are several calculated fields where the Name column doesn't match the Name stored on the Calculation, and that causes this type of problem. For instance, for the Mailing Street Address, the named stored on the Calculation column is "Mailingstreet". For me, making them match solves the problem. Running the SLX Profiler may help you here as well as you can see the query that is being executed against the CALCULATEDFIELDDATA table and determine how to adjust your names (if that is the problem).
I don't think that reinstalling the software would generate different results. These are just Upgrade Issues that you need to work your way through.
Re: Issue with slx 7.5 web version.
Posted: 05 Oct 09 3:48 AM
Thanks Raul. I was able to make the account lookup work. Can you please guide me on how to edit the "entity hyperlink"? Many Thanks. |
Re: Issue with slx 7.5 web version.
Posted: 05 Oct 09 4:17 AM
Edit a Group with no Hyperlinks. Go to the Layout tab. Select on an appropriate column (e.g. First Name or Last Name) and edit the Column. There will be one checkbox to flag this column as an Entity Hyperlink. Once you save that group, the Column will now be a Hyperlink and allow you to open the underlying entity.
Re: Issue with slx 7.5 web version.
Posted: 05 Oct 09 4:51 AM
I just figured that out when you reply came. Thanks 
I was able to get the link on the screen. However, when I click on the link the same page lookup result page loads and it doesn't take me to the contact detail screen. Any possible reasons?
Thanks for all your time and effort. |
| |
Re: Issue with slx 7.5 web version.
Posted: 05 Oct 09 6:10 AM
Yes Steve . i got the ID field in the Group layout, but the ID field dont have a link. I have Account field, Contact name and few fields assosciated with group.
Account and contact name has link, when i click on contact name, it just loads the same group. it dont navigate to contact detail screen. |
Re: Issue with slx 7.5 web version.
Posted: 06 Oct 09 12:09 AM
Hi Steve, Now i have made the ID field too an entity linked one. when i click on the ID field Link, it loads the group again rather than taking me too the contact detail view screen.
Any suggestions to overcome this issue?
Thanks in advance. |
Re: Issue with slx 7.5 web version.
Posted: 06 Oct 09 7:12 AM
There have been a number of Hot Fixes for groups, released last week you could try applying those too:
SalesLogix 7.5 Service Pack 1 Hot Fix 6 SalesLogix 7.5 Service Pack 1 Hot Fix 24 SalesLogix 7.5 Service Pack 1 Hot Fix 30
Can you also confirm that which version of the web you are using e.g. Legacy Web (similar to 6.2) or Application Architect v7.5?
Steve |
Re: Issue with slx 7.5 web version.
Posted: 06 Oct 09 8:09 AM
What happens if you create a new Contact group from scratch, does it work properly? Also, are there any errors registered on the Event Log on the Server? It is possible that the Detail Page is failing to load, thus the list page gets "reloaded".
Are you able to load a Contact by going into the Account's Detail page, selecting the Contact's tab and clicking on it? Or does it also fail to load? |
Re: Issue with slx 7.5 web version.
Posted: 06 Oct 09 8:10 AM
Hi Steve,
I got the issue fixed.
I recently changed datatype for one of the column in my contact table, when i got the previous setup back, i can navigate through contact detail screen easily.
Thank you for your Suggestions and support. |
Re: Issue with slx 7.5 web version.
Posted: 06 Oct 09 8:13 AM
Hi Raul,
I got the issue fixed now. i brought my previous setup( Field Datatypes) back for my contact table.
Now i can navigate through contact detail screen easily. 
Thank you for the support. |
Re: Issue with slx 7.5 web version.
Posted: 07 Oct 09 12:52 PM
Well, that explains it. You had mentioned the upgrade, but not any schema changes.
I went through the trouble of an upgrade with schema changes. Had to build a tool to Upgrade our Groups to match the new schema. That was a very painful step. |