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change masterkey on corporate remotes
Posted: 14 May 10 7:21 AM
I have a corporate policy that says the sysdba pwd has to change and sa must be disabled. Does anyone know of a method by whitch i can allow a user (w/NT Administrator rights) to attach there own remote db and NOT have a password. options so far are; - writing my own thing attachremote - testing existing under NT User, then copying a static oledbconfig file
Has anyone concured this one
Re: change masterkey on corporate remotes
Posted: 22 Jul 10 11:48 AM
Create another user: 'SLXSA' and grant this user all the rights possible under corporate law (backup and restore databases, create databases, create tables, delete tables, et al), if they don't give you enough power then you get them to admit they have hosed SLX functionality....they either live with their decision, offer someone with the 'SA' authorization to create the remotes as needed, or log in for you while you turn your back
.... use SLXSA instead of SA or Windows user rights when creating remote database
We don't have any trouble with changing the password for remotes....haven't used masterkey in a few YEARS.
Re: change masterkey on corporate remotes
Posted: 03 Aug 10 8:50 AM
thanks RJ, The issue was two fold. the sql autentication component and the slx connection manager component. Sage hardcodes the connection manager with the sysdba pwd hardcoded to the default for remotes with in the attachremote database process. so if you change the sysdba on sql the connection manager will fail on slx login.
We configured a working method that allowed the processes to work and the "attach remote" process to reside on the network server. users connect via vpn, download the database and initiate our process off the network server. It connects under NT auth, creates/validates sysdba & pwd, attachs the db, aligns sysdba, disconnects and then deletes & rebuilds the slx connection mananger component using the secured pwd.
for corporate issues were; no sa, no pwds or pwd applications on laptops, nt auth controls access to applications |
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