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Modifications on SQL2005 moved to SQL2000
Posted: 13 Dec 06 2:19 PM
fiogf49gjkf0d I have a client who I am upgrading to V7 next week. They also thought they were going to upgrade to SQL2005. The SQL upgrade is on hold.
I began some modifications for the web client in a v7 SQL2005 environments. I am planning on installing the web changes in a few weeks.
My question is this: Will my web mods developed on SQL2005 migrate gracefully to SQL2000?
Thanks |
Re: Modifications on SQL2005 moved to SQL2000
Posted: 14 Dec 06 9:05 AM
fiogf49gjkf0d Steve,
Unless you are calling forth heavy SQL config or manipulation; there should be no problem. Standard Select / Update / Delete are the same across the two.
c |
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