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 Author  Thread: ImportWiz Dup Checking - V7+
Phil Parkin
Posts: 819
Top 10 forum poster: 819 posts
ImportWiz Dup Checking - V7+Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 17 Apr 08 7:15 PM
Does anyone know why the duplicate checking options that are selected during an import are not saved into the associated SIM file? This would seem like a useful feature to me.

Michael Lupino
Posts: 46
Re: ImportWiz Dup Checking - V7+Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 18 Apr 08 7:25 AM
I work for a business partner (just started this week). I was told by my boss, a Sr. Project Manager, (I am also a Project Manager) that the duplicate checking in SLX 7+ under the ImportWiz is not adviseable. I recently learned how to use it this week, my previous company using SalesLogix had no use for it. I would reccomend manually de-duplicating using a seperate program like Parabus or looking over the data before letting ImportWiz do it for you.

If anyone else has had a positive experience contrary to what I wrote, I would love to hear it. Please feel free to respond back.
Mike Spragg
Posts: 1226
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Re: ImportWiz Dup Checking - V7+Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 19 Apr 08 2:26 AM
If anyone else has had a positive experience contrary to what I wrote, I would love to hear it. Please feel free to respond back.

Hmm, certainly a negative experience to that sentence!

The new (v7+) IW with de-dupe is actually fine and much better than prior versions. That said, Imports and dupes will always be contentious and the use of external tools and COM objects will always help but will never be 100%. Use whatever the customer is willign to pay for (both product *AND* effort). If the answer is zero to both - then IW is just fine for you and the customer.
Posts: 29
Re: ImportWiz Dup Checking - V7+Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 19 Apr 08 5:26 AM
Hi Michael

You might like to check out this thread:

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact info@inaplex.com

David Evans
InaPlex Limited
Phone: UK: +44 (0)845 617 0206
US: +1 (949)784-0708
James Sutton
Posts: 6
Re: ImportWiz Dup Checking - V7+Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 19 Apr 08 6:48 AM
You might want to also check out www.dqglobal.com They have a SalesLogix bundle which dedupes your data inside SalesLogix. In our experience this tends to work best for our customers. If I remember correctly they even have a promotion where they're offering their SalesLogix bundle free to partners on a time limited basis.

When you dedupe on import you often end up tossing out valuable data. Also you end up only catching the dupes which meet your rules and potential dupes (i.e. ones between definitely not a dupe and definitely a dupe) which really need some human review are usually totally ignored.

Rather than trying to dedupe on import we go ahead and import the duplicates into a specific leadsource and then use the DQ Global dedupe process which automatically merges the recently imported duplicates together allowing you to improve the data fields on the main record. This includes filling in missing data on the primary, maintaining leadsource history (so you know all possible sources where the record came from) as well as an audit trail for data collisions (i.e. you have a mobile # on the primary and a different one on the dupe) The phonetic matching engine is really quite amazing and captures more duplicates than you might expect. Finally the any remaining potentials dupes which didn't score high enough can optionally be reviewed manually reviewed inside SalesLogix so we maximize the quality of the data from the import.



Rowland Dexter
Posts: 10
Re: ImportWiz Dup Checking - V7+Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 20 Apr 08 5:44 PM
Any process that automates the matching is likely to both miss certain duplicates, or give false matches and exclude good data. If you are happy to except this then the import wizard or preferably the likes of Inaport, which will give you more control over what happens when a match is found, will give you a solution. However, the alternative is to have human interaction to verify the potentail matches that a match process might indentify.

The QGate Paribus product previously mentioned provides the user with lots of control over what data is used as part of the match process, has sophisticated algorithms to indentify potentail matches, able to apply filters so you don't have to vet the whole database in one go, able to match one section of the database against another, i.e. the original data against a newly imported data set. It then manages the merge/purge very securely even in a system with remotes (better than the standard SLx merge function) together with audit of the actions. See http://www.qgate.co.uk/paribus.html

Mark Cooper
Posts: 9
Re: ImportWiz Dup Checking - V7+Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 21 Apr 08 3:42 AM
To add to Rowlands comments regarding Paribus...

The key added advantage to using Paribus above any other de-duping merge and purge processes (including that of the standard Slx merge facility or any process that utilises the Slx merge facility) is the power of the dedicated 'Paribus for SalesLogix' component plugin... This has been uniquely designed to manage the entire merge and purge cleansing processes whilst ensuring that nothing is ever lost in the merge process (100% data consolidation). Concise data consolidation is typically a critical success factor in any data cleansing process, as no-one ever likes the thought of 'loosing' anything...!

To this end the Paribus Slx plugin will not only merge all relating Slx data (both 1-to-1 and 1-to-many – including all custom data), but provides a unique "Paribus Merge Repository" feature for managing data conflicts. For example: if merging two Contacts with different cell phone numbers, Paribus will store the alternate cell phone number in the Paribus Repository, which then appears as a Account/Contact tab in the Slx application. Users can then subsequently pick and choose from these values post the merge.

In our experience, when merging mass data it is logistically not feasible for anyone to pick and choose data conflicts manually, so the Paribus Repository is an excellent safe-guard mechanism to maximise consolidation whilst minimising lost.

Which neatly brings me back into the subject of this post - data importation with de-duplication...?
Our recommendation for this process is to import the data into a safe area, one we like to call "Paribus Quarantine™”. This can typically be achieved with the use of secured SalesLogix Seccodes to ensure users cannot accidentally access this data until processed.

Once imported, Paribus can match the content of the Quarantine records with that of the rest of the system. Matches can then be subsequently checked (manually reviewed), which alternatively when attempting to do this during “on the fly” importation can sometimes be cumbersome.

Then using the Paribus for SalesLogix plug-in merge the matched Quarantine items with your existing Slx records (if so desired naturally). The Paribus plug-in merge process thus consolidating 100% of the duplicate content into your existing data, maximising the value of the acquired data whilst minimising unwanted duplication. The merged items can then be automatically removed from the Quarantine area.

Finally what then remains in the Paribus Quarantine area would be deemed new records... Changing the SLX Seccode of these to an appropriate value (e.g. ‘Marketing’) would then release this 'new' information for processing...

So in summary...
Import the data securely into Slx (say via Inaport or the IW etc) into a Paribus Quarantine Area, then use Paribus to Match and merge/consolidate said data.
Making the entire import/de-duplication exercise a far easier and managed process…

Mark Cooper
Director of Product Engineering
QGate Software Limited
Paul Roussell
Posts: 21
Re: ImportWiz Dup Checking - V7+Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 21 Apr 08 4:30 AM
As a SalesLogix BP who has implemented Paribus a few times now, I would like to add that there are significant other advantages to Paribus over other tools. They are:

1. It is Sync-aware: Imagine the scenario where a remote user has created one copy of ABC Ltd and someone else has created a duplicate. If the remote copy is de-duped into the other copy, the remote's copy will not longer be on the host. Therefore, if the remote user makes any changes that have not synchronised through before the de-dupe update, their changes will be discarded by Sync Server. This would upset the user! Paribus offers the chance to do a two-pass de-dupe. Pass One does a preliminary de-dupe and HIDES the one that will be removed. Then it monitors to see if all users have synchronised-in their changes before actually finally removing the duplicate.

2. The duplicate detection is WAY more sophisticated than other products. For a start it does multi-field comparisons, making sure it doesn't match things that superficially look the same. There are some very smart detections (that go FAR further than just phonetics) like University of Queensland versus Quensland University (i.e. word transposition), Bill versus William, Fotomart versus Photo Mart, and many more.

I looked at several others, and this was clearly the best.

Michael Lupino
Posts: 46
Re: ImportWiz Dup Checking - V7+Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 21 Apr 08 7:33 AM
To all,

Thanks for the additional feedback after my post. I enjoyed reading it all and seeing everyone's opinion. Mike, I don't have anything negative against the importwiz tool, Its just hard to experiment sometimes with one tool when the another tool works well and covers more scenarios that could be applicable to the client, but your right about it coming down to time and effort.
Phil Parkin
Posts: 819
Top 10 forum poster: 819 posts
Re: ImportWiz Dup Checking - V7+Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 22 Apr 08 8:47 PM
The answers to this post have certainly been informative and have gone way beyond my original question, which none of the replies has addressed

For my specific purpose (which is periodically importing a chunk of semi-static lookup data into a single table), the 'do not import duplicates' option in ImportWiz works just fine. I just find that re-inputting the options every time I perform the import is somewhat tiresome when it would seem that they should be saved into the .sim file. Or if I want to ask someone else to perform the import, I have to screenshot what I am doing in the dups section so that they can do it too. Dull.

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