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 Author  Thread: Import Wiz - Contact is duplicating issue
John Lloyd
Posts: 5
Import Wiz - Contact is duplicating issueYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 01 May 08 2:42 PM

I am having an issue using the import wiz to enter information into our SalesLogix database. The problem is this.

I have the import all set up, have the data file saved as a csv, built the .sim file (correctly I believe), sorted the .csv file by account then by last name of contact, just as all the blogs and documentation have told me. Now, If I have two rows that have the same account name it does not import two different accounts which is good. However, I have two rows because I have two distinct contacts. The trouble is that the import runs and inserts two contacts into one account, but they are the same contact. The second distinct contact does not make it into the SalesLogix database at all. I am at wits end. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have read and re-read all of the documentation and think it has something to do with the self-joins but am not sure.

Thank you
John Lloyd

Thank you,
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