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 Author  Thread: Import single header, multi line details?
Jill D
Posts: 31
Import single header, multi line details?Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 08 Sep 08 5:39 PM
We're using Inaport for importing. We have a couple of custom tables for invoices. The invoice table has the header record, PK InvoiceID. The invoice detail table has the detail lines, PK InvoiceDetailID, FK InvoiceID.

How can we import a single invoice record, then the multiple lines for the invoice detail rather than a new invoice number for every detail line? It's probably simple, but we haven't been able to figure it out.
Posts: 29
Re: Import single header, multi line details?Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 09 Sep 08 12:40 AM
Hi Jill

This is certainly possible with Inaport, but the implementation depends on the structure of your source data. For example, is it like:
hdr1, dtl1, dtl2, dtl3
or is it:
hdr1, dtl1
hdr1, dtl2
hdr2, dtl1

If you provide a little more info, I will be able to suggest how you can tackle this.


David Evans
Jill D
Posts: 31
Re: Import single header, multi line details?Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 09 Sep 08 10:19 AM
thank you for responding! The source data is set up like this:
hdr1, dtl1
hdr1, dtl2
hdr1, dtl3
hdr1, dtl4

We are only loading a single transaction (hdr1 only)
We want to load the header record first to get the SLX id, then assign the id to each detail record when loading the detail table

thanks again!
Posts: 29
Re: Import single header, multi line details?Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 09 Sep 08 11:09 AM
Hi Jill

OK. In tab 5 of Inaport, select the header table (HT) first, and then the detail table (DT) as a child of it. For each table, set up the sub tabs like this:

Operation - "Create not exist" or "Update or create", Match type "Standard Matching"
Relationships - Primary key is table primary key, foreign key is empty
Match - set up a match using the unique id of the invoice header (invoice number?)
Remember that if the source data is string, you may need to trim to remove white space
Map - map whatever fields you need - only required field is the field being used for the match

Operation - "create always" (no match required) or "create not exist" (matching required)
Relationships - primary key is PK of this table; foreign key is the field in this table that has the PK of the HT
Match - only required if you selected an operation that needs it
Map - as above

1. If the invoice needs to belong to an account (pretty normal) then you will need to have the account table as the top table, and HT as a child of that, with the foreign key filled in correctly to relate it to the acocunt table
2. If you set up the relationships between the invoice tables in the SLX administrator, Inaport will read the info and fill in the Relationships tab for you
3. Inaport will automatically assign all SLX id fields, create date, modify date etc - you do not need to map them

You might also like to have a look at the matching tutorials on our web site for more options:

HTH. Any questions, please ask.


David Evans
Sage Endorsed Development Partner
Jill D
Posts: 31
Re: Import single header, multi line details?Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 09 Sep 08 1:05 PM
thank you for the info, but I still get multiple ids - one for each ine in the source data.

in HT - I have nothing to match to. The invoiceID/number has not been created yet - we are generating it when the header info is input.

We want to import account number and period from source and auto-generate a single InvoiceID in header table
We want to then import details from source (several lines) plus the single Invoice ID generated in previous step into the detail table

thanks again!
Posts: 29
Re: Import single header, multi line details?Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 09 Sep 08 1:40 PM
Hi Jill

> in HT - I have nothing to match to

Is there an invoice number in the incoming data? I was only suggesting matching so that if you import the same record by accident, you do not get duplicates. You can make the operation "Create always" in which case there is no matching and the header record will always be created

> but I still get multiple ids - one for each ine in the source data

I think it might be best if you post a sample of your source data, or contact me direct on david at inaplex dot com


David Evans

Posts: 29
Re: Import single header, multi line details?Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 11 Sep 08 8:36 AM
For the benefit of anybody reading this thread, the discussion continued offline. The final setup of tables was:

operation: update single match, match type standard
relationships: PK - accountid
FK - empty
match: accountid to accountid

InvoiceHeader (child of account)
operation: create or update, match type standard
reln: PK - invoiceid
FK - accountid
match: invoiceperiod to invoiceperiod

InvoiceDetail (child of invoice header):
operation: create always
reln: PK - invoice_detailid
FK - invoiceid
match: not required


David Evans
Inaport - Enterprise CRM Integration
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