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 Author  Thread: Scribe Migrate Import
Steve Dyson
Posts: 5
Scribe Migrate ImportYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 01 Jun 06 6:02 AM
Hey guys,

I am trying to import into SLX 5.2 using scribe, the problem i am having is that i have an access database with a table for Account information another table for customer info and another table for Quote Info.

How would i get this info across as i seem to be only able to bring one table at a time

any help apreciated

John Gundrum
Posts: 632
Top 10 forum poster: 632 posts
Re: Scribe Migrate ImportYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 02 Jun 06 9:30 AM

You stated having three tables: Account, customer and quote. Did you mean contact when you said customer? I'll assume yes. And since you also have a quote table in Access, is there a products table as well? I think you will the prodcuts imported to SLX as well.

Another question.. is this a one time import?

I think the best approach will be to import things in a defined order:

1) Accounts and contacts
2) Products
3) Quotes

Reason why I'm laying it out that way is because for 3 to exist you must have 2 and 1.

What I normally do is have a file listing the account and contact info. One row per contact. Each row will contact the contact info and the account info. In the Scribe DTS you will have to

1) Check if the account exists (by name, unique ID from your other system, etc). If the account does not exist then have Scribe create the appropriate records. If the account does exist goto next step
2) Check if the contact exists for the account (again using some ID, email address or unique ID from your other system, etc). If found skip to next record, otherwise add the contact and associated records to SLX

For products you'll use the same kind of procedure. Except against the product table. If the product doesn't exist create it and all associated records.

One you have all that info in SLX you'l be able to import the quotes. You probably want to approach this the same was as Accounts and Contacts. Put the quote and product info into one row and

1) Check if the account for the quote exists in SLX. If not create the account in SLX.
2) Check if the quote exists (by name, unique ID from your other system, etc). If the quote does not exist then have Scribe create the appropriate records. If the quote does exist goto next step
3) Check if the product exists for the quote (again using some kind of ID). If found skip to next record, otherwise add the product to the quote.

This should be enough to get you started.

If you want this all to be done in one DTS you can but it will take a bit of time to craft the logic of checking, validating and adding all the information so as to not cause issues.

By breaking it down you take out some of the complexity by doing it in stages.

John G.
Snow Monkey
Posts: 214
Re: Scribe Migrate ImportYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 25 Jul 06 8:31 AM
Are these new accounts or existing ones?

if new..bring them one at a time

Do you have some kinda unique identifiers in Account table in access? And are you sure that there are some link fields in Account 1:M > Contact and Account 1:M with Quote info tables?

Then import Accounts thru the normal scribe way and then insert address and put this Access unique ID in some Userfields and then use that field to locate the AccountID in the contact and Quote Info import.
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