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 Author  Thread: IMPORTING .CSV WITH 86000 RECORDS
Posts: 111
IMPORTING .CSV WITH 86000 RECORDSYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 14 Nov 09 5:00 AM
hi all,

I have a slx 6.2 database and i want to move the data in slx 6.2 to slx 7.5.1.i have only the database (sql).i tried using a query to get the account,contact,address detail for each acount and i moved the details into .csv file and now the .csv file has 86000 records for which i have to generate account id and contact id for importing into slx using import wizard.Generating unique account id for some and same id for some account is really difficult as it takes more time .Is there a way that i can import the .csv details without having the account id and contact id the we need to generate using import wizard.

RJ Samp
Posts: 973
Top 10 forum poster: 973 posts
Re: IMPORTING .CSV WITH 86000 RECORDSYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 25 Jan 10 11:20 AM
why not use SQL? and why create a new ACCOUNTID at all, conflict with the existing records? then use SQL to change the ID's 'slightly' in the higher order positions......so instead of A6UJ9A, you could make them A7UJ9A for example.... don't forget to change the corresponding rowID's in related tables (ENTITYID in ADDRESS for example!).
Posts: 29
Re: IMPORTING .CSV WITH 86000 RECORDSYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 26 Jan 10 12:11 AM
Hi Nagaratna

You could also consider using Inaport (from us) to read the SLX SQL database and import the data directly. Inaport will look after creating all IDs, and correctly linking address to account and contact. As a bonus, you could use its sophisticated matching capabilities to reduce the number of duplicates you have in the old database.

More information from http://www.inaplex.com/Products/Inaport_for_Saleslogix.aspx,
or contact me direct on 'david at inaplex dot com'


David Evans
Inaport - CRM Integration
Phil Parkin
Posts: 819
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Re: IMPORTING .CSV WITH 86000 RECORDSYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 26 Jan 10 1:18 AM
Sounds to me like the IDs are already created and that the requirement is just to move records from one db to another without creating new ones. This is a straightforward SQL job.
Raul A. Chavez
Posts: 1300
Top 10 forum poster: 1300 posts
Re: IMPORTING .CSV WITH 86000 RECORDSYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 26 Jan 10 12:44 PM
As long as Synchronization is not an issue, indeed there are many ways to get around ID creation.
Just need to be careful to use a method that would not run into further issues (such as Duplicate Key generation... ).

Altering the IDs to have a Site Code slightly different from the Target DB is one such a Method.
Other than that, you could Always use an SSIS and turn on AutoIncrement on the AccountID field, store your current AccountID for reference on one of the User Defined fields, and let SLX generate new Keys.
Then you could use the Original AccountID from the User Defined Field to link back to your original database as needed (e.g. To Import Contacts and/or Addresses and resolve the AccountID to the New DB ID).

Mark Dykun
Posts: 297
Re: IMPORTING .CSV WITH 86000 RECORDSYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 27 Jan 10 7:01 AM
It sounds like the 86000 records includes accounts and contacts. I am an oldworld programmer and would really write a simple import application (probably 100 or so lines of code) that can do the inserts storing the old Ids in the Userfield. Using the provider I can get new ids in batches of 10, 100 or more depending on the number of inserts. Since this is really a run once kinda thing. And when the data is inserted I would run a couple of update scripts to handle the re-mapping of the contacts to the new accounts update contact inner join account.userfield1 on contact.userfield1 = account.UserField1, update address set entityid = account.accountid inner join account on address.entityid = account.userfield1, update ... for account address, for contact address.

your import should handle Account, AccountSummary, Contact, Address at a minimum.

Nothing against Inaport, or any of the other commercial products but somethimes the one time cost is much higher then the quickly roll it yourself answer. You can also use SSIS as Raul has mentioned, I am not as familuar with using that as again I usually roll myown and have created lots of infrastructure to do this. The upside of writing the 'simple' import is you will get familuar with programming against the OleDb Provider which is always a good skill to have.

- Mark
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