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 Author  Thread: Move Contacts and Accounts from Database to Another
Andrew Fink
Posts: 41
Move Contacts and Accounts from Database to AnotherYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 18 Feb 10 2:42 PM
Is there a simple way to Export/Import contacts and accounts from one database to another? I have been fiddling with ImportWiz but I don't know how to export the data the proper way. I am wondering if there is any way to keep the relationship between the contact and account with the import.

Andrew Fink
Phil Parkin
Posts: 819
Top 10 forum poster: 819 posts
Re: Move Contacts and Accounts from Database to AnotherYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 18 Feb 10 3:28 PM
There's a utility called Group Copy that might help you (I've never used it, but believe it could help you out).
Andrew Fink
Posts: 41
Re: Move Contacts and Accounts from Database to AnotherYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 18 Feb 10 3:56 PM
I think that is the ticket. Thank you very much.
Andrew Fink
Posts: 41
Re: Move Contacts and Accounts from Database to AnotherYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 03 Mar 10 7:43 AM
Just wanted to follow up and tell everyone that GroupCopy.exe worked great. It copied the accounts and the contacts I needed. Where can I find documentation about all of these utilities that come with Saleslogix?
Posts: 12
Re: Move Contacts and Accounts from Database to AnotherYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 01 Apr 10 8:22 AM
We're looking to move data from a current test database to a new empty database, user by user. Since we'll be creating the same users in the new implementation they will obviously have different ID's than the old database, so I was thinking of moving the data, then going through table by table and swapping out new IDs with the old ones...
At first attempt testing GroupCopy, I selected the User and chose the group My Accounts, but I am not sure what that is for since it doesn't select exisiting accounts for that user..??
My other option is to create some views of Accounts, Contacts, and Opportunities and their related tables, and just use a 3rd party Import Program (we have Inaport) to move them over so it will generate fresh new IDs for everything correctly.

Any ideas?
Raul A. Chavez
Posts: 1300
Top 10 forum poster: 1300 posts
Re: Move Contacts and Accounts from Database to AnotherYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 01 Apr 10 10:16 AM
Because the Target DB is empty, you could just copy data using SQL statements and then swap the keys.

The problem is how do you define what data belongs to each user. The best way is via Acct. Manager, but that doesn't truly give you all data a user has access to (depending on security settings).

Posts: 121
Re: Move Contacts and Accounts from Database to AnotherYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 01 Apr 10 10:34 AM
The two issues in your process to concider is;
How are security issues to be addressed
-setting up or duplicating the users internal secrity settings (account delete, insert; menu options, ...)
-setting up or duplicating the seccodeid's (security; teams, dept, and users)
-dts-ing this stuff can corrupt the db, duplicating it and setting up mapping tables is a pain, hardcoding them or setting and post processing them is cleanest.
-groupcopy is nice and works (keep batch count=1)
-sql insert () select from where syntax is a lot faster and simpler to manage.
I've done both, depending on the cases

option 1
go to new db, make the database site code the same.
generate as may new users as needed say 100
delete all users where the id doesn't match the other table
now you can dts info the fluf data on id easily to get userifo and usersecutrity data setup correctly (use tools to configure the rest, teams, blobs data etc)
Group copy will do a fine job moving the data, but watch the (siteoptions or sitekeys) table wher the seeds for new id's are stored so your not generating duplicate ids

option 2
make the site key different in second db
generate your users and purge the ones where the numbers don't match then map accordingly
One option nice here is you can bult insert data into the a/c/o tables as needed, since new id's will not overlap (different base code).
In these cases I'd hardcode the seccodeid's as needed based on a mapping table and update the userid's by replacing the basecode as needed

My choice is is to go with option 2 and a linked server.
One sql script can be generated quickly and can handle most of the issues quickly
Its easy to handle different table structures, new code and transformation that alwayscome up too.
good luck
Posts: 12
Re: Move Contacts and Accounts from Database to AnotherYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 01 Apr 10 12:06 PM
With the data we're actually going to save, Acct. Manager and Owner will be the same. After playing with Inaport a bit more, I noticed there's an option to select the Acct Manager and Owner from the target Database and assign them to the new records. Also, at this point there isn't much involved with Security Rights. There aren't many users at the moment, and the ones we actually have to save i don't believe have any specifics set up.

The main reason for this move was the complications we created by putting in data manually w/o using the provider nor updating the SECCODE table. (We're very new at this)
Basically, IDs ended up all over the place once we introduced Mobile.

I suppose we could copy over w/ SQL statements, and build conversion tables for User OldIDs/NewIDs for the swap.
What do I do to change the Primay Key seed Value in the new Database to something other than 6UJ9? Also, if the Accounts Keep the old IDs, how do we prevent a new mobile device from ending up with the same SITECODE as one from my old Data?
Posts: 121
Re: Move Contacts and Accounts from Database to AnotherYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 01 Apr 10 2:44 PM

To change the sitecode on a db (assuming the db is not a production remote syncing db)
-Via SQL Query Analyzer, examine the SITEOPTIONS table and select a sitecode that is not currently and has not previously been used.
Note: If possible, use a logical sitecode - for example, the first four characters of (or an abbreviation of) the company name, XXXX.
-Execute the following SQL statement to create a SITEOPTIONS record for the chosen sitecode:
insert into sysdba.SITEOPTIONS (SiteCode) values ('XXXX')
-Execute the following SQL statement to update the primary office sitecode in the SYSTEMINFO to the newly chosen sitecode:
update sysdba.SYSTEMINFO set SiteCode = 'XXXX' where SiteCode = 'YYYY'
Note: YYYY is the current sitecode for the database
-Execute the following SQL statement to delete the original sitecode from the SITEKEYS table:
delete from sysdba.SITEKEYS where SiteCode = 'YYYY'

I use this a lot for db backups to de-reference a production from a dev copy then recut remotes.

sitekeys - is for IDs
syncsequencing - remotes info.

If you are looking for more documentation, its hidden in the help files
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