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Re: exporting activities to Excel![Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM](/images/forumimages/new.gif)
Posted: 13 Feb 09 4:00 PM
1. Well you can dump it to EXCEL in SQL Query Analyzer.....
or 2. Build up a record Set of the user's activities.... and then 3. Call this script (not available in 6.10, it comes into SLX about 6.20....but we use it all of the time in 6.100000)
'Including Script - System:SLX Error Support '********************************************************************************************************* ' Description: Export Grid or RS To Excel ' Purpose : Export data from a grid or recordset into an excel spreedsheet ' If grid object data will be displayed in excel exactly as what appears in the grid, any ' columns that are hidden will remain hidden ' If RS object data will be desplayed in excel exactly as what appears in RS, using a RS, ' however, allows the ability to customize the data prior to calling ExportRSToExcel ' Inputs : Grid object or Recordset object ' Written : 06/24/03 ' Updates : November 2007, July 2008 RJ Samp Adjusted the Grid Output. ' August 2008 RJ Samp used RegExp output to eliminate nonprintable characters. Implemented a methodology to handle LARGE rowcounts. ' October 2008 RJS tested Excel RStoGrid from Stephen Redmond. Works fine. Added 'caption' hints. ' December 2008 added more hints for display captions. '*********************************************************************************************************
option explicit Dim objExcel 'Excel object Dim blnCurrencySymbol 'Whether or not we display the currency symbol for appropriate data types
'''' TxDataGridColumnType CONST ctStandard = 0 CONST ctMask = 1 CONST ctButton = 2 CONST ctDate = 3 CONST ctCheck = 4 CONST ctImage = 5 CONST ctSpin = 6 CONST ctCombo = 8 CONST ctCalculator = 9 CONST ctPictureBlob = 10 CONST ctHyperlink = 11 CONST ctTime = 12 CONST crCurrency = 13 CONST ctMemo = 14 CONST ctPickList = 15 ''' TxAlignment CONST taLeftJustify = 0 CONST taRightJustify = 1 CONST taCenter = 2 ''' TxTextAlignment CONST tlTop = 0 CONST tlCenter = 1 CONST tlBottom = 2 '''' FormatType CONST ftNone = 0 CONST ftFixed = 1 CONST ftInteger = 2 CONST ftDateTime = 3 CONST ftPerCent = 4 CONST ftCurrency = 5 CONST ftUser = 6 CONST ftPhone = 7 CONST ftOwner = 8 CONST ftBoolean = 9 CONST ftPosInteger = 10
'' RJ Samp July 2008 CONST BigReportSize = 25 CONST MaxExcelRows = 65000 DIm TimeStart DIM TimeEnd DIm TimeUsed DIM ExportRows DIM nCols DIM nRows DIM MTEXT, RowText Dim intRow, intCol, intRecordCount Dim aRows, aColCaptions, aColFormatType, aColDataType(100) Dim xRS dim strName DIM J, strALIAS
'' RJ Samp August 2008 DIM oRegEXP, sTEMP CONST OKforExcellCell = "[\x00-\x1F\x7E-\x7F]{1,}" CONST RunCleaner = TRUE
Sub Main 'Initialize blnCurrencySymbol = True End Sub
Sub ExportGridToExcel(ByRef objGrid, ByVal SheetName) ''' This is my tricky way to call the new function via the old SLX Call. ExportToExcel "Grid" , objGrid, SheetName End Sub
Sub ExportRSToExcel(ByRef xRS, ByVal SheetName) ''' This is my tricky way to call the new function via the old SLX Call. ExportToExcel "RS" , xRS, SheetName END SUB
SUB ExportToExcel(ByVal SourceOption, ByRef SourceObject, ByVal SheetName) ''' RJS 2008: basically completely rewritten. Too many changes to note individually ''' started with OOTB SLX call, it follows the same flow. The twist/change is in how to handle large row counts.
On Error Resume Next IF SourceOption = "Grid" THEN 'Get the RS from the Grid Set xRS = SourceObject.Recordset ELSE SET xRS = SourceObject END IF 'Make sure there are records If xRS.RecordCount < 1 Then Exit Sub
'Move to the first record xRS.MoveFirst
IF SourceOption = "Grid" THEN 'Get an array of visible FieldNames in the grid, then get only those fields from the RS aRows = xRS.GetRows(,, GetArrayVisibleColumnNames(SourceObject)) ELSE 'Read all of the records into an array aRows = xRS.GetRows() END IF
'Get the number of records intRecordCount = UBound(aRows, 2) + 1 ExportRows = intRecordCount 'Create reference variable for the spreadsheet. If Excel isn't found exit sub If Not CreateExcelObject Then Exit Sub if intRecordCount > BigReportSize THEN MSGBOX " Creating spreadsheet for " & intRecordCount & " rows." TIMESTART = Timer objExcel.Visible = FALSE objExcel.Workbooks.Add
'Ensure that Excel remains visible if we switch to the Active Sheet SetExcelActiveSheet(objExcel) 'Set the SpreedSheet name, if specified If SheetName <> "" Then 'Sheet name can be no more than 31 characters objExcel.Sheets(1).Name = LEFT(TRIM("" & SheetName),31) End If '''''
IF SourceOption = "Grid" THEN 'Get array of visible captions in the grid as will be displayed in Excel aColCaptions = GetArrayVisibleColumnCaptions(SourceObject) aColFormatType = GetArrayVisibleColumnFormatType(SourceObject) END IF 'Format the Column header intRow = 1 intCol = 1 nCols = UBound(aRows, 1) + 1 ''' MSGBOX nCOLS For intCol = 1 To nCols objExcel.Columns(intCol).VerticalAlignment = -4160 'Align Top '''' RJ Samp IF SourceOption = "Grid" THEN objExcel.Columns(intCol).NumberFormat = GetFormatType(aColFormatType(intCol)) With objExcel.Cells(intRow, intCol) .Value = aColCaptions(intCol - 1) ' MSGBOX .VALUE aColDataType(intCol) = "Text" IF instr(1,.VALUE, "Grade",1) > 0 THEN objExcel.Columns(intCol).NumberFormat = "@" aColDataType(intCol) = "Text" END IF IF .Value = "PID" or .VALUE = "Postalcode" or .VALUE = "Postal code" THEN objExcel.Columns(intCol).NumberFormat = "@" aColDataType(intCol) = "Text" END IF IF instr(1,.VALUE, "Potential",1) > 0 THEN objExcel.Columns(intCol).NumberFormat = "$##,###.00;[Red]($##,###.00)" aColDataType(intCol) = "Number" END IF IF instr(1,.VALUE, "Discount",1) > 0 THEN objExcel.Columns(intCol).NumberFormat = "##,##0.00% " aColDataType(intCol) = "Number" END IF IF instr(1,.VALUE, "%",1) > 0 THEN ''' objExcel.Columns(intCol).NumberFormat = "##,##0.00% " aColDataType(intCol) = "Number" END IF IF instr(1,.VALUE, "Enroll",1) > 0 THEN objExcel.Columns(intCol).NumberFormat = "##,##0 " aColDataType(intCol) = "Number" END IF IF instr(1,.VALUE, "Student",1) > 0 THEN objExcel.Columns(intCol).NumberFormat = "##,##0 " aColDataType(intCol) = "Number" END IF IF instr(1,.VALUE, "School",1) > 0 THEN objExcel.Columns(intCol).NumberFormat = "##,##0 " aColDataType(intCol) = "Number" END IF IF instr(1,.VALUE, "Price",1) > 0 THEN objExcel.Columns(intCol).NumberFormat = "$##,###.00;[Red]($##,###.00)" aColDataType(intCol) = "Number" END IF IF instr(1,.VALUE, "$",1) > 0 THEN objExcel.Columns(intCol).NumberFormat = "$##,###.00;[Red]($##,###.00)" aColDataType(intCol) = "Number" END IF IF instr(1,.VALUE, "Amount",1) > 0 THEN objExcel.Columns(intCol).NumberFormat = "$##,###.00;[Red]($##,###.00)" aColDataType(intCol) = "Number" END IF IF instr(1,.VALUE, "ActualClose",1) > 0 OR instr(1,.VALUE, "Actual Close",1) > 0 THEN objExcel.Columns(intCol).NumberFormat = "mm/dd/yyyy" aColDataType(intCol) = "Date" END IF IF instr(1,.VALUE, "Est",1) > 0 OR instr(1,.VALUE, "Close",1) > 0 THEN objExcel.Columns(intCol).NumberFormat = "mm/dd/yyyy" aColDataType(intCol) = "Date" END IF IF instr(1,.VALUE, "Date",1) > 0 THEN objExcel.Columns(intCol).NumberFormat = "mm/dd/yyyy" aColDataType(intCol) = "Date" END IF IF instr(1,.VALUE, "Start",1) > 0 THEN objExcel.Columns(intCol).NumberFormat = "mm/dd/yyyy" aColDataType(intCol) = "Date" END IF IF instr(1,.VALUE, "End",1) > 0 THEN objExcel.Columns(intCol).NumberFormat = "mm/dd/yyyy" aColDataType(intCol) = "Date" END IF With .Font .Name = "Arial" 'DNL .Bold = True .Size = 9 End With End With ELSE 'Place the names of the fields in the column headers '''' RJ Samp objExcel.Columns(intCol).NumberFormat = GetDBFormatType(xRS.Fields.Item(intCol - 1).Type) With objExcel.Cells(1, intCol) strName = Application.Translator.Localize(xRS.Fields(intCol - 1).Name) ' application.Debug.WriteLine " Export Column [" & intCOL & "] "& strNAME & " " ''RJize the Captions. we could use the SLX Display name if we knew the TableName.... strName = CleanUpFieldName(strNAME) .Value = strNAME With .Font .Name = "Arial" 'DNL .Bold = True .Size = 9 End With End With END IF ' MSGBOX "Column: " & intCOL Next
IF EXPORTROWS > MaxExcelROWS - 2 THEN EXPORTROWS = MaxExcelROWS - 2 SET oRegEXP = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") WITH oRegEXP .Global = True .IgnoreCase = True .Pattern = OKforExcellCell END WITH 'Build up a massive string of Data + TAB + DATA + TAB + EOL for all data rows. MText = "" For intRow = 2 To EXPORTROWS + 1 RowText = "" For intCol = 1 To UBound(aRows, 1) + 1 sTEMP = aRows(intCol - 1, intRow - 2) If aColDataType(IntCol) = "Text" THEN IF RunCleaner THEN IF oregexp.TEXT(sTEMP) THEN sTEMP = oregexp.Replace(sTEMP, "") '''''clear out bad EXCEL characters. END IF END IF RowText = RowText & sTEMP & CHR(9) NEXT MText = MText & RowText & CHR(13) NEXT
''''put the string into the windows clipboard. DIM oSHELL, objHTM set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set objHTM = CreateObject("htmlfile")
objHTM.ParentWindow.ClipboardData.SetData "text", MText 'paste it into Excel. objExcel.Range("A2").SELECT objExcel.ActiveSheet.Paste SET oRegEXP = NOTHING
objExcel.Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion.EntireColumn.AutoFit objExcel.Visible = True TIMEEND = Timer Erase aColCaptions Erase aColFormatType Erase aColDataType Set objExcel = Nothing TimeUsed = (TimeEnd - TimeStart) application.Debug.WriteLine "Grid exported to Excel, " & EXPORTROWS & " formatted rows, in: " & TIMEUSED & " seconds. " On Error Goto 0 END SUB
'Create reference variable for the spreadsheet if Excel is found, if not display message. Function CreateExcelObject Dim blnExcel
blnExcel = True On Error Resume Next 'Create reference variable for the spreadsheet Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") 'DNL If Not IsObject(objExcel) Then MsgBox Application.Translator.Localize("Microsoft Excel cannot be found. ") & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ Application.Translator.Localize("Please insure Excel is installed prior to using this feature."), vbExclamation, "SalesLogix" blnExcel = False End If
CreateExcelObject = blnExcel End Function
Sub SetExcelActiveSheet(objExcel) Dim objTemp
Set objTemp = objExcel If objExcel.Application.Version >= 8 Then Set objExcel = objExcel.ActiveSheet End If
Set objTemp = Nothing End Sub
Function GetArrayVisibleColumnNames(BYREF objGrid) Dim aColumns() Dim i, intColumn
intColumn = 0 'Get the number of visible columns on the grid ReDim aColumns(GetVisibleColumnsCount(objGrid)) For i = 0 To objGrid.Columns.Count - 1 'For each visible column add to array If objGrid.Columns.Item(i).Visible Then aColumns(intColumn) = objGrid.Columns.Item(i).FieldName intColumn = intColumn + 1 End If Next GetArrayVisibleColumnNames = aColumns Erase aColumns End Function
Function GetArrayVisibleColumnCaptions(BYREF objGrid) Dim aColumns() Dim intColumn Dim i
intColumn = 0 'Get the number of visible columns on the grid ReDim aColumns(GetVisibleColumnsCount(objGrid)) For i = 0 To objGrid.Columns.Count - 1 'For each visible column add to array If objGrid.Columns.Item(i).Visible Then aColumns(intColumn) = objGrid.Columns.Item(i).Caption '''' MSGBOX "Field Name" & objGrid.Columns.Item(i).FieldName '''' this is the FieldName used in the Data Grid (includes Alias Name). intColumn = intColumn + 1 End If Next GetArrayVisibleColumnCaptions = aColumns Erase aColumns End Function
Function GetArrayVisibleColumnFormatType(BYREF objGrid) Dim aColumnsFormatType() Dim intColumn Dim i
intColumn = 0 'Get the number of visible columns on the grid ReDim aColumnsFormatType(GetVisibleColumnsCount(objGrid)) For i = 0 To objGrid.Columns.Count - 1 'For each visible column add to array If objGrid.Columns.Item(i).Visible Then aColumnsFormatType(intColumn) = objGrid.Columns.Item(i).FORMATTYPE application.debug.WriteLine "Field Name " & objGrid.Columns.Item(i).FieldName & " FormatType " & aColumnsFormatType(intColumn) '''' this is the FieldName used in the Data Grid (includes Alias Name). intColumn = intColumn + 1 End If Next GetArrayVisibleColumnFormatType = aColumns Erase aColumns End Function
Function GetVisibleColumnsCount(BYREF objGrid) Dim i, intCount
'Loop through the Columns collection of the grid to get count of visible columns intCount = 0 For i = 0 To objGrid.Columns.Count - 1 If objGrid.Columns.Item(i).Visible Then intCount = intCount + 1 End If Next GetVisibleColumnsCount = intCount - 1 End Function
Function GetFormatType(strFormatType) '' CONST ftNone = 0 '' CONST ftFixed = 1 '' CONST ftInteger = 2 '' CONST ftDateTime = 3 '' CONST ftPerCent = 4 '' CONST ftCurrency = 5 '' CONST ftUser = 6 '' CONST ftPhone = 7 '' CONST ftOwner = 8 '' CONST ftBoolean = 9 '' CONST ftPosInteger = 10 GetFormatType = "General" Select Case strFormatType CASE 0 GetFormatType = "@" CASE 1 GetFormatType = "#,##0.0000" Case 2 'Integer GetFormatType = "#,##0" 'DNL CASE 3 '' GetFormatType = "[$-409]mm/dd/yyyy h:mm AM/PM;@" GetFormatType = "mm/dd/yyyy" Case 4 GetFormatType = "#,##0" '''"0.00%" Case 5 'Currency' GetFormatType = FormatCurrencyString Case 6 GetFormatType = "@" Case 7 GetFormatType = "[<=9999999]###-####;(###) ###-####" Case 8 GetFormatType = "@" Case 9 GetFormatType = "@" Case 10 ' Pos Integer GetFormatType = "#,##0" 'DNL Case Else GetFormatType = "@" End select End Function
Function GetDBFormatType(strFormatType) Select Case strFormatType Case 3 'adInteger GetDBFormatType = "#,##0" 'DNL Case 4 'adSingle GetDBFormatType = FormatCurrencyString Case 5 'adDouble GetDBFormatType = FormatCurrencyString Case 6 'adCurrency' GetDBFormatType = FormatCurrencyString Case 11 'adBoolean GetDBFormatType = "#,##0" 'DNL Case 131 'adNumeric GetDBFormatType = "#,##0" 'DNL Case Else GetDBFormatType = "" End select End Function
Function FormatCurrencyString If Not blnCurrencySymbol Then FormatCurrencyString = "#,##0.00" 'DNL Else Select Case Application.Translator.CurrencyFormat Case 0 FormatCurrencyString = Application.Translator.CurrencyString & "#,##0.00" 'DNL Case 3 FormatCurrencyString = "#,##0.00 " + Application.Translator.CurrencyString 'DNL Case Else FormatCurrencyString = Application.Translator.CurrencyString + " #,##0.00" 'DNL End Select End If End Function
'Looks for duplicate records based on specified Fields, if found enters an empty string as the new value 'Paramaters: xRS - Recordset object ' aFieldNames - Array of Fields to be searched Function RemoveDuplicateValue(xRS, aFieldNames) Dim strValue, Field Dim i
With xRS .MoveFirst For Each Field In aFieldNames For i = 0 To .RecordCount - 1 If .Fields.Item(Field).Value = strValue Then .Fields.Item(Field).Value = "" End If strValue = .Fields.Item(Field).OriginalValue .MoveNext Next .MoveFirst Next End With End Function
'Loops through RS for the specified value, if found replaces old value with the specified new value 'Paramaters: xRS - Recordset object ' aFieldNames - Array of Fields to be searched ' strValue - Value to be searched and replaced if found ' strNewValue - New value of strValue if found Function RecordsetReplaceValues(xRS, aFieldNames, strValue, strNewValue) Dim Field Dim i
With xRS .MoveFirst For i = 0 To .RecordCount - 1 For Each Field In aFieldNames If Not IsNull(.Fields.Item(Field).Value) Then .Fields.Item(Field).Value = Replace(.Fields.Item(Field).Value, strValue, strNewValue) End If Next .MoveNext Next End With
Set RecordsetReplaceValues = xRS End Function
Sub DisplayCurrencySymbol(blnValue) blnCurrencySymbol = blnValue End Sub
'''' Stephen Redmonds! THANK YOU! '''' RJ Samp December 2008 adapted for use at Discovery Education. Sub ExportExcel(ByRef dg1, byval WorkSheetName) '''' Parameter 1: dg1 is an SLX ActiveX Control DataGrid. The data to be exported is in its recordset. '''' Parameter 2: WorkSheetName is what we will call the Excel Worksheet (which sits in an Excel Spreadsheet). '''' used EXCEL method ExportRStoExcel.
On Error Resume Next Dim xl Set xl = CreateObject("Excel.Application") If Not IsObject(xl) Then MsgBox "Microsoft Excel error. Is it installed?", 48, "Excel Error" Exit Sub End If
Dim wb Set wb = xl.WorkBooks.Add
xl.Application.Visible = FALSE ''' RJ Samp '''' True
While wb.Sheets.Count > 1 wb.Sheets(1).Delete Wend
Dim ws Set ws = wb.Sheets(1)
ws.Name = WorkSheetName '''' RJ Samp October 2008.
Dim fld Dim iCol, maxCol Dim iRow Dim rs DIM strNAME
Set rs = dg1.Recordset rs.MoveFirst
iCol = 1 iRow = 1
Dim FirstField, SecondField, isIDField Dim LastNumeric FirstField = "" SecondField = "" LastNumeric = ""
isIDField = False '' RJ Samp DIM ADATA() ADATA = GetArrayVisibleColumnFormatType(dg1) ''''RJS 10/2008 gets an array of the visible columns Grid Format type. ''------------------------------ for each fld in rs.Fields
''' RJ Samp Oceober 2008 strNAME = fld.Name strNAME = CleanUpFieldName(strName) ''----------------------------- ws.Cells(iRow, iCol).Value = strNAME ws.Cells(iRow, iCol).Font.Bold = true
if Right(Trim(UCase(fld.Name)), 2) = "ID" Then isIDField = True Else isIDField = False End if
if fld.Type = adChar or fld.Type = adVarChar or fld.Type = adLongVarChar Then if FirstField = "" and not isIDField then FirstField = fld.Name Elseif SecondField = "" and not isIDField then SecondField = fld.Name End if Elseif fld.Type = adInteger Then if fld.Name <> "" then LastNumeric = fld.Name Elseif fld.Type = adDouble or fld.Type = adNumeric Then if fld.Name <> "" then LastNumeric = fld.Name Else if FirstField = "" and not isIDField then FirstField = fld.Name Elseif SecondField = "" and isIDField then SecondField = fld.Name End if End if
iCol = iCol + 1 Next maxCol = iCol-1
iRow = 2 iCol = 1
Dim c0, c1, c2 Set c0 = ws.Cells(1,1) Set c1 = ws.Cells(2,1) Set c2 = ws.Cells(rs.RecordCount+1, rs.Fields.Count) xl.Range(c1, c2).CopyFromRecordset rs Set c1 = ws.Cells(1,1) xl.Range(c1, c2).EntireColumn.Autofit xl.Range(c1, c2).Select xl.Range(c0, c2).Name = "QueryExport"
for each fld in rs.Fields if Right(Trim(UCase(fld.Name)), 2) = "ID" Then '''' 2008 RJ Samp: let's not hide them. ws.Columns(iCol).Hidden = True End If '''' RJS: Phone Number? User? Owner? if fld.Type = adChar or fld.Type = adVarChar or fld.Type = adLongVarChar Then ws.Columns(iCol).NumberFormat = "@" elseif fld.Type = adDBTimeStamp Then ws.Columns(iCol).NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy" Elseif fld.Type = adInteger Then ws.Columns(iCol).NumberFormat = "0" Elseif fld.Type = adDouble or fld.Type = adNumeric Then ws.Columns(iCol).NumberFormat = "0.00" Else ws.Columns(iCol).NumberFormat = "General" End if
iCol = iCol + 1 Next xl.Application.Visible = True ''' RJ Samp 2008
End Sub
Function CleanUpFieldName(inName) '''' RJS 2008 DIM J DIM strALIAS, strNAME strNAME = inName
FOR J = 2 TO 20 ''' RJ Samp. Take out the SQL Table Alias from the Caption. strALIAS = "A" & cSTR(J) & "_" strName = Replace(strName,strALIAS, "") NEXT strName = Replace(strName,"_", " ") ''' RJ Samp. Take out the '_'s from the Caption. strName = REPLACE(strNAME, "DATE", " Date") '''clean up StartDate, ModifyDate, et al strName = REPLACE(strNAME, "OPENED", " Opened") '''clean up DateOPENED strName = REPLACE(strNAME, "ACTUALCLOSE", "Actual Close") '''clean up ActualClose strName = REPLACE(strNAME, "ESTIMATEDCLOSE","Est Close") '''clean up EstimatedClose strName = REPLACE(strNAME, "AMOUNT", " Amount") '''clean up ActualAmount strName = REPLACE(strNAME, "PHONE", " Phone") strName = REPLACE(strNAME, "POTENTIAL", " Potential") '''clean up SalesPotential strName = REPLACE(strNAME, "PROBABILITY", " Probability") '''clean up ClosePROBABILITY strName = REPLACE(strNAME, "NAME", " Name") '''clean up UserName, ContactName, AccountName..... strName = REPLACE(strNAME, "MANAGER", " Manager") '''clean up accountManager..... strName = REPLACE(strNAME, "POSTALCODE", " Postal Code") '''clean up ZIP code strName = REPLACE(strNAME, "USER", " User") strName = Trim(strName)
strName = PROPERCase(strName) ''' RJ Samp Proper Case the Caption IF RIGHT(strName,2) = "id" THEN strName = LEFT(strName,LEN(strName) - 2) & " ID" ''' RJize ID fields. Account ID, not Accountid. END IF
CleanUpFieldName = strName END FUNCTION
Function ProperCase(ByVal sText) '''' RJS 2008 '*** Converts text to proper case e.g. ***' '*** surname = Surname ***' '*** o'connor = O'Connor ***'
Dim a, iLen, bSpace, tmpX, tmpFull
iLen = Len(sText) For a = 1 To iLen If a <> 1 Then 'just to make sure 1st character is upper and the rest lower' If bSpace = True Then tmpX = UCase(mid(sText,a,1)) bSpace = False Else tmpX=LCase(mid(sText,a,1)) If tmpX = " " Or tmpX = "'" Then bSpace = True End if Else tmpX = UCase(mid(sText,a,1)) End if tmpFull = tmpFull & tmpX Next ProperCase = tmpFull End Function
Re: exporting activities to Excel![Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM](/images/forumimages/new.gif)
Posted: 25 Jan 11 2:45 PM
fiogf49gjkf0d Evening all
Was wondering if somebody could help me out, am just getting into scripting and im just trying to get my head around this to use, just stuck on the very last bit, could somebody just explain to me what the following bit actually does please?
Any help would be very gratefully received
Re: exporting activities to Excel![Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM](/images/forumimages/new.gif)
Posted: 25 Jan 11 3:50 PM
fiogf49gjkf0d It's a "PrettyCase" function e.g. mike spragg is converted to Mike Spragg or MIKE SPRAGG converts to Mike Spragg. Essentially, makes it nicer looking - falls down on tradenames of course (IBM would go to Ibm) |
Re: exporting activities to Excel![Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM](/images/forumimages/new.gif)
Posted: 25 Jan 11 4:10 PM
fiogf49gjkf0d Mike
Thank you very very much, really appreciate the quick response, could i by really cheeky and just run this one past you as well please?
Re: exporting activities to Excel![Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM](/images/forumimages/new.gif)
Posted: 25 Jan 11 4:31 PM
fiogf49gjkf0d Essentially, it's a text block parser. Imagine:
This function returns the Data item for the required item:
f1 = ParseTextLinePair ("data shown above","Field2") would return "DataLine2" and store it in the var f1.
It's a way of getting specific items from a block of unstructured data - by looking through it, working out if it exists and if so cutting the data apart to the left and right of it - returning just the item value you need. |
Re: exporting activities to Excel![Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM](/images/forumimages/new.gif)
Posted: 25 Jan 11 4:33 PM
fiogf49gjkf0d Mike your a legend pal
Thank you so much, your quick reply has possibley just saved my life my friend.
Any time your in Liverpool ill buy you a beer :0) |
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