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 Author  Thread: Importing Data from Excel Sheet
Posts: 38
Importing Data from Excel Sheet Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 22 Feb 11 1:59 PM


This is a simple doubt. Can anyone tell me how to execute sql queries with SalesLogix? I mean, if I've an excel sheet of contacts and I want to import the excel sheet to saleslogix database, how to execute it?


Please pardon my ignorance on it. I'm on learning process

John Gundrum
Posts: 632
Top 10 forum poster: 632 posts
Re: Importing Data from Excel Sheet Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 22 Feb 11 3:22 PM

One of the first things I noticed in your question is you have "an excel sheet of contacts."  SalesLogix is an account centric system so each of those contacts in the excel sheet better have account names as well.  Validate the data in the excel sheet before attempting to import it into SalesLogix.

Second, using SQL is not recommended.  There are way too many issues that can arise if there is bad or missing data.

SalesLogix has a built-in feature to import from an Excel spreadsheet.  The problem, as is always the case with importing, is de-duping and data cleansing.  The import will go into leads which helps keep the main accounts and contacts clean.   Leads is a way of validating the information and then you can convert it to an account.

There are other tools like Scribe that can be used to provide a more controlled import.  With any tool there will be issues with an import - especially with bad and missing data.   Even a difference like "ABC, Inc." and "ABC Inc" is a problem.  To us its the same, but to a computer its two totally different strings.  Some of these tools can address this kind of issue, but I don't think SalesLogix will once the data is in as Leads.


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